Plans and Reports
Current Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan
(Last updated on Nov. 27, 2024)
Fiscal Years (FY) 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan & FY 2025 Annual Action Plan
- FY 25-29 Consolidated Plan Attachment A: Citizen Participation Comments & Public Notices
- FY 25-29 Consolidated Plan Attachment B: Grantee Unique Appendices
- FY 25-29 Consolidated Plan Attachment C: Certifications, Applications, & Assurance
Consolidated Plans
As stated in the Citizen Participation Plan, an increase or decrease of funding of 25% will trigger a Substantial Amendment. On March 11, 2020, the CARES Act was passed and the City received the first round of CARES Act funding, triggering a Substantial Amendment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to move public meetings online and virtually, the City amended its Citizen Participation Plan to account of the changes.
- Substantial Amendments to FY 2024-Consolidated Plan & FY 2020 Annual Action Plan (PDF)
- First Amendment to Citizen Participation Plan
On October 13, 2020, the City received the second round of CARES Act funding triggering a Second Substantial Amendment.
- Second Substantial Amendment to FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan-(updated Oct. 15, 2020)
- Second Substantial Amendment to FY 2020 Annual Action Plan-(updated Oct. 15, 2020)
- FY 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan & FY 2015 Annual Action Plan
- Second Substantial Amendment
- First Substantial Amendment
- Citizen Participation Plan (Updated Oct. 10, 2017)
- FY 2010–2014 Consolidated Plan & FY 2010 Annual Action Plan
HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Draft Substantial Amendment
The City of San Diego was awarded $20,956,979 in HOME-ARP funds to address homeless needs. This one-time funding creates significant opportunity to meet the housing and service needs of our community’s most vulnerable populations. To receive the HOME-ARP funds, City of San Diego must engage in the consultation and public participation process to develop a HOME-ARP allocation plan. The allocation plan has been revised to remove the Non-Congregate Shelter activity, add a Supportive Services/ Homelessness Outreach activity, and increase the Affordable Rental Housing (development) budget.
- City of San Diego HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Draft Substantial Amendment
- Public Notice: HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Draft Substantial Amendment Public Hearings and Public Comment
- Public Notice: HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Draft Substantial Amendment Public Hearings and Public Comment (SPANISH)HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
The City of San Diego was awarded $20,956,979 in HOME-ARP funds to address homeless needs. This one-time funding creates significant opportunity to meet the housing and service needs of our community’s most vulnerable populations. To receive the HOME-ARP funds, City of San Diego must engage in the consultation and public participation process to develop a HOME-ARP allocation plan. The plan must be submitted to HUD for review, as a substantial amendment to the FY 2022 Annual Action Plan (HUD PY2021).
Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Reports (CAPER)
- Fiscal Year 2024 CAPER
- Attachment 1: Public Comments and Notices
- Attachment 2: IDIS Report
- Attachment 3: ESG SAGE Report
- Attachment 4: Fair Housing Report
Attachment 5: Section 3 Reports
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- HUD Programs FY 2024 Infographic
- FY 2024 Activities Table
- Project Profiles:
- Fiscal Year 2023 CAPER
- Attachment 1: Public Comments and Notices
- Attachment 2: IDIS Reports
- Attachment 3: ESG SAGE Report
- Attachment 4: Fair Housing Report
Attachment 5: Section 3 Reports
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- HUD Programs FY 2023 Infographic
- FY 2023 Activities Table
- Fiscal Year 2022 CAPER
- Attachment 1: Public Comments and Notices
- Attachment 2: IDIS Reports
- Attachment 3: ESG SAGE Report
- Attachment 4: Fair Housing Report
Attachment 5: Section 3 Reports
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- HUD Programs FY 2022 Infographic
- FY 2022 Activities Table
- Fiscal Year 2021 CAPER
- Attachment 1: Public Comments and Notices
- Attachment 2: IDIS Reports
- Attachment 3: ESG SAGE Report
- Attachment 4: Fair Housing Report
Attachment 5: Section 3 Reports
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- HUD Programs FY 2021 Infographic
Project Profiles:
- FY 2020 CAPER
- Attachment 1: Public Notices and Comments
- Attachment 2: IDIS Reports
- Attachment 3: ESG SAGE Report
Attachment 4: Fair Housing Report and Section 3
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- FY 2020 CAPER Supplement 1: Activities Table
- Attachment 1 - Public Notices & Public Comments
- Attachment 2 - IDIS Reports
- Attachment 3 - ESG SAGE Report
- Attachment 4 - Fair Housing Action Plan & Section 3 Reports
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- FY 2019 CAPER Suppplement 1: Activities Table
- FY 2018 CAPER
- FY 2018 CAPER: Attachment 1-Public Notices & Public Comments
- FY 2018 CAPER: Attachment 2-PR-02 IDIS Reports
- FY 2018 CAPER: Attachment 3-ESG SAGE Report
- FY 2018 CAPER: Attachment 4-Section 3 & Fair Housing Action Plan
FY 2018 CAPER: Attachment 5-HOPWA CAPER
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- FY 2018 CAPER Supplement 1: FY 18 Program Activities Infographic
- FY 2018 CAPER Supplement 2: Activities Table
- FY 2017 CAPER
- FY17 CAPER: Attachment 1-Public Notices & Comments
- FY17 CAPER: Attachment 2-IDIS Report
- FY17 CAPER: Attachment 3-ESG eCarts Report
- FY17 CAPER: Attachment 4-Section 3 & Fair Housing Action Plan
FY17 CAPER: Attachment 5 -HOPWA CAPER
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- FY 2017 Supplement 1: FY 2017 Infographic
- FY 2017 Supplement 2: Activities Table
- FY 2017 Supplement 3: Project Maps
- FY 2017 Supplement 4: Project Profiles
- FY 2016 CAPER
- Attachment 1: Public Notices
- Attachment 2: IDIS Reports
- Attachment 3: Section 3 Summary Reports
- Attachment 4: Fair Housing Action Plan
NOTE: The following supplemental materials were prepared to provide further information on the City's HUD programs:
- FY 2016 CAPER Supplement: 2016 By the Numbers Infographic
- FY 2016 CAPER Supplement: Project Narratives
- FY 2016 CAPER Supplement: FY 2016 Activities
- FY 2016 CAPER Supplement: FY16 Project Maps
- FY 2016 CAPER Supplement: Project Profiles
- FY 2015 CAPER