Self-Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
Refer to Attachment B and Appendix B of your Industrial User Discharge Permit for a monitoring schedule and instructions.
Certifications Only Required
For permits that only require periodic certification for compliance with Best Management Practice requirements, the "Completed Date" will be the last day of the month prior to the "Due Date." For example, for a 2/15/2025 "Due Date," the "Completed Date" would be entered as 1/31/2025. Please refer to the full instructions below:
Sampling Required
For permits that require waste stream monitoring, an analysis to demonstrate compliance with wastewater discharge standards must be performed on a wastewater sample that is representative of the facility's process discharge. The sample must be analyzed using U.S. EPA-approved methods listed at 40 CFR 136 by a laboratory certified to perform the specific analysis on wastewater. Please visit the state of California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program website for certified laboratories. For guidance on the completion of the Self Monitoring Report, please refer to the instructions below:
All submissions of Self Monitoring Reports which require sampling must include the following certification:
Self-Monitoring Certifications (PDF Forms)
- 90-Day Compliance Report Certification
- Annual Scan Certification
- Best Management Practice (BMP) Certification
- Best Management Practices for Laboratories
- Biohazardous Medical Waste Certification
- CHT Waste Disposal Certification
- Cyanide Certification
- Dental Amalgam One-Time Compliance Report
- No Discharge of Pharmaceutically Active Ingredients - Health Care Certification
- No Discharge of Pharmaceutically Active Ingredients - Manufacturing and Lab Certification
- Rainwater Diversion System Test Certification
- Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) Certification
- Silver Recovery-Disposal Certification
- Solvent Management Certification
- Stand Alone R&D Certification
- Total Toxic Organics (TTO) Certification
- Waterjet BMP Certification
- Zero Discharge Certification
- Zero Discharge of Unauthorized Wastewaters Certification
- Zero Generation Certification
Other Forms and Related Links
- Attachment N
- Certification of Compliance with Best Management Practice Requirements for Silver-Rich Solutions