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Public Utilities

Trucked Waste Permits

Required for All Wastes Hauled for Disposal to the Sewer

Trucked Waste Permits are for the disposal of hauled liquid waste into the San Diego public sewer. Discharges to public or private sewer connections are prohibited unless specifically authorized, in writing, by the City's Industrial Wastewater Control Program (IWCP). The IWCP issues three types of trucked waste permits: Trucked Domestic Waste Hauler Permits, Trucked Industrial Waste Generator Permits and Trucked Industrial Waste Hauler Permits.

Domestic Trucked Waste Permit

Haulers proposing to dispose of sanitary septic tank wastes to sewer must obtain a Domestic Trucked Waste Permit (contact the Industrial Wastewater Control Program for the registered domestic hauler list).

Generator Industrial Trucked Waste Permit

Businesses must obtain a generator permit and designate a hauler that is under permit with the program (call the Industrial Wastewater Control Program to inquire about the registered hauler list).

Industrial Hauler Permit

Waste haulers proposing to haul industrial waste to the pump station must obtain an Industrial Hauler Permit.

Additional Form(s)