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Public Utilities

Enhanced Source Control

Since 2003, the City of San Diego has operated an Enhanced Source Control (ESC) program to control and reduce the pollutants entering the sewer above the federal pretreatment standards (Significant Industrial User Permits). These ESC permits reduce infrastructure operations and maintenance costs, ensure the treatability of the wastewater at our treatment plants and help protect the public health and ocean environments. This has saved all ratepayers from needing significant upgrades to the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant and is a key program supporting the Pure Water Program.

Industries that typically need an ESC permit include those performing engine steam cleaning or wet cleaning of metal parts, wet machining shops, hospitals, car washes, laboratories with solvents or biohazardous material and shipyards. Dischargers should call the program at 858-654-4100 with details of their operation to obtain site-specific information about permit applicability, requirements and an Industrial User Application

Related Forms

Permit Requirements: