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Sustainability and Mobility

Climate Advisory Board


Duties and Functions

The Climate Advisory Board shall:

  • Advise the Mayor, City Council, and relevant City departments on climate, environment environmental justice, climate equity, sustainability, and energy policy for the City and assist the City in implementing the Climate Action Plan and attaining the City's stated goals in these areas.
  • Develop recommendations on how the City can engage residents, communities, and non-governmental organizations to guide the implementation of the Climate Action Plan and other relevant plans or strategies, and how the City can engage in climate issues at the state and federal levels.
  • Function as a primary channel of communication between the City and the residents, communities, and stakeholders; seek participation by regional businesses, political leaders, government agencies, and public interest groups on climate, climate equity, and renewable energy uses; hold public forums for public and stakeholder input; and provide periodic reports to the Environment Committee.
  • Advise on potential public-private partnerships or pilot programs that advance the City's sustainability and energy goals.
  • Advise on innovative mechanisms and efficiencies to accelerate renewable energy deployment.
  • Receive and review updates on climate and energy related contracts and agreements serving City residents, including the Franchise Compliance Review Committee as appropriate. (O-2023-108 REV.)
  • Coordinate with other City advisory boards and City departments, such as the Community Forest Advisory Board, Planning Commission, the Mobility Board, and the Resiliency Advisory Board, as needed and as it relates to the purposes of this Board.
  • Provide periodic reports to the Environment Committee, and make recommendations for the City to engage in regional climate-related issues at the state and federal level, including securing state and environmental justice stakeholders and communities in relation to the City and its implementation of the Climate Action Plan, climate equity programs, sustainability efforts, renewable energy development, and related activities federal funding for climate-related issues.


Staff Liaison

Shelby Buso
Chief Sustainability Director / Deputy Director

Meeting Agendas and Materials

The next meeting of the Climate Advisory Board will be on Friday July 19th, at 10:30AM at Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave, 4th Floor Conference Room, San Diego, CA 92101.


The next meeting will be on Friday July 19th, at 10:30AM at Civic Center Plaza, 1200 3rd Ave, 4th Floor Conference Room, San Diego, CA 92101.