Our Partners
AED Brands
AED Brands, LLC is the official AED supplier for the City of San Diego and official partner with San Diego Project Heart Beat in the County. AED Brands focuses on compliant and effective first response solutions by providing the best rescue products in the industry. Special discount pricing for the San Diego region!

American Heart Association
San Diego Project Heart Beat is an American Heart Association Training Center. Our Training Center provides all certification courses required or desired in relation to the mission of increased survival from Cardiac Arrest. There are a variety of training options that can accommodate any schedule.
FALCK is the City of San Diego’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) contractor. FALCK provides San Diegan’s with numerous services, including 911 and non-emergency medical services.

San Diego City Firefighters Local 145
San Diego City Firefighters Local 145 represents the hard working men and women of the City of San Diego's Fire-Rescue Department. Local 145 invests in many community outreach services and has supported San Diego Project Heart Beat's mission and efforts since it's inception.Local 145 has contributed generously each year to help fund training kits for the annual "Heroes In Training" event held in joint partnership with the San Diego Padres.
San Diego Fire-Rescue Dept. (SDFD)
SDFD is the City of San Diego's emergency response agency for all life-threatening incidents to include fire, medical and natural emergencies. SDFD manages the regional PAD program providing leadership, oversight and indemnification for the services provided.
In July, 2014, the City and County of San Diego officially launched PulsePoint to aid in public recognition and response to Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Pulsepoint notifies willing responders to the nearby location of a Cardiac Arrest incident, the areas closest AED locations. The application is free to all residents of the County of San Diego and provides other helpful tools and capabilities of emergency notification within its own dispatch system arena.

San Diego Fire-Rescue Foundation
The mission of the San Diego Fire Rescue Foundation is to provide our San Diego first responders with the necessary funding to purchase critically needed equipment, technology, and training required to keep the property and citizens of San Diego and the surrounding region safe from the ravages of fire, natural disasters, and unforeseen injuries and illness.
Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation
EP Save A Life raises awareness of sudden cardiac arrest in youth by educating parent, school, sports and medical communities about warning signs and risk factors, providing free heart screenings for ages 12 to 25 and equipping schools and youth centers with AEDs and cardiac emergency response plans.

San Diego County
The County provides health and justice services to all 3 million residents of San Diego County and municipal services to the county's unincorporated areas.
City of San Diego
The City of San Diego delivers the very best municipal services through a partnership of residents and employees. The City's PAD program, San Diego Project Heart Beat has been recognized numerous times since its inception in November of 2001 for being the leader in PAD program's nationally and internationally.