Fire Hydrant Meter Program
The Fire Hydrant Meter (or Construction Meter) Program mainly applies to contractors, as they use the vast majority of the fire hydrant meters in San Diego.
The Public Utilities Department installs, locks on and relocates fire hydrant meters. These meters are read by Public Utilities Department staff every month for billing purposes.
The fee schedule for the program is:
Equipment deposit:
2-inch meter: $936.00
Estimates are provided for larger meters.
Initial installation or removal:
2-inch meters: $62.00
Estimates are provided for larger meters.
Relocation of meter:
2-inch meters: $93.00
Estimates are provided for larger meters.
Monthly base fee:
2-inch meter: $75.44
Larger meters will be charged the same rate as comparable permanent meters
For more information about the Fire Hydrant Meter Program, please contact 619-515-3500.