Divisions 12 - Furnishings, 13 - Special Construction, 14 - Conveying
Division 12 - Furnishings
- 12345 - Laboratory Casework and Fixtures (PDF)
- 12500 - Window Treatment (PDF)
- 12510 - Horizontal Louver Blinds (PDF)
Division 13 - Special Construction
- 13205 - Polyethylene Tanks (PDF)
- 13206 - Pressurized Steel Tanks (PDF)
- 13209 - Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks (PDF)
- 13215 - Underground Storage Tanks (PDF)
- 13221 - Plastic Block Air Scouring Filter Underdrains (PDF)
- 13222 - Strainer Nozzle Air Scouring Filter Underdrain (PDF)
- 13226 - Anthracite Media (PDF)
- 13229 - Gravel Filter Bed (PDF)
- 13251 - Activated Carbon Odor Control Systems (PDF)
- 13252 - Mist Type Chemical Odor Control Systems (PDF)
- 13253 - Packed Tower Type Chemical Odor Control Systems (PDF)
13300 - Instrumentation and Control (PDF)
- 13400 - Communications (PDF)
- 13500 - Computer System Software (PDF)
- 13600 - COMNET Hardware Procurement (PDF)
Division 14 - Conveying Systems