Mobility Board
The overarching goals of the City of San Diego's Mobility Board are to inform transportation decision-making holistically to ensure that people driving, walking, bicycling, taking transit, parking or using other transportation modes will have safe, easy-to-use choices to move around the city, and that development of the transportation network helps to meet the City's Climate Action Plan goals.
Duties and Functions
The Mobility Board shall:
- Advise the Mayor and Council on policies and issues relating to the development, maintenance and ADA accessibility of:
- pedestrian networks such as sidewalks and street crossings;
- bicycle networks such as bicycle lanes and protected bikeways;
- parking;
- pedestrian plazas; and
- access points for public transit such as the trolley, bus rapid transit and bus lines, and other public right-of-way improvements.
- Advise the Mayor and Council on education, encouragement, and awareness programs relating to City circulation goals and policies.
- Advise the Mayor and Council on policies and projects that help the City reach its Climate Action Plan mode-share goals for bicyclists and pedestrians; discuss strategies that encourage the growth of multi-modal transportation and transit-oriented development; and provide input on the development of the City’s Transportation Master Plan.
- Advise the Mayor and Council on the implementation of the City’s Bicycle Master Plan and Pedestrian Master Plan and advise on oversight of the Vision Zero Action Plan.
- Recommend standards relating to bicycle, pedestrian, ADA and other elements of right-of-way design.
- Advise on ways City departments can coordinate with stakeholder groups and other government agencies, including, but not limited to, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), regarding multi-modal transportation in the City.
- Advise the Mayor and Council during the annual budget cycle regarding the Capital Improvements Program, including performance indicators for transportation projects to improve the City’s multi-modal transportation network.
- Provide an annual report to the Mayor and Council detailing the activities and recommendations of the Mobility Board.
For more information, read the Mobility Board Bylaws.
Staff Liaisons
Phil Trom
Program Manager, Regional & Long-Range Mobility Planning
Sarah Pierce
Senior Planner, Regional & Long-Range Mobility Planning
Meeting Agendas and Materials
The Mobility Board meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Meetings are in person at Civic Center Plaza, 1200 Third Ave., Fourth Floor Conference Room, San Diego, CA 92101.