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Sustainability and Mobility

​Mobility Evaluation Tool

A Tool to Encourage Sustainable Development

Ensuring that new projects built in our communities are designed to provide mobility choices and support alternative modes of transportation will help to reduce the number of miles we drive. At the same time, building projects that are walkable, bikeable, and close to transit will create vibrant and healthy neighborhoods. To help developers achieve this, the City has developed a Mobility Evaluation Tool to help them design projects that comply with the Complete Communities: Mobility Choices regulations and implement measures to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), which will help achieve the goals of the Climate Action Plan.

The Mobility Evaluation Tool provides developers with a simple way to:

  • Track their project’s compliance with the Complete Communities: Mobility Choices Regulations
  • Calculate their project’s potential VMT reductions achieved by implementing travel demand management measures such as reducing parking supply, providing transit subsidies or implementing carpooling programs.

The Mobility Evaluation Tool provides important information to assist developers in building projects that reduce their environmental impacts and enhance the quality of life for all residents.

Mobility Evaluation Tool

The MET was developed with a Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant and is a web-based tool that will assist development project applicants with their California Environment Quality Act transportation analysis and/or Complete Communities: Mobility Choices regulations compliance. The MET will produce a report that can be submitted during the development project review process. Please note that the tool requires an internet connection, and it is highly recommended that you use a desktop computer. The tool must be used with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers to ensure proper functionality.

MET Education & Training Resources

The following resources are available to help understand how to use the Mobility Evaluation Tool. The training materials will provide you with information so that you know:

Additional Resources


For questions and/or additional information, please contact