The City of San Diego is updating the Mid-City Communities Plan for the first time in 25 years to identify opportunities for new homes, businesses and infrastructure to benefit everyone in Mid-City. The Mid-City Communities Plan will be a part of the City's General Plan - the City's guide to long-term growth - and will implement the City's Climate Action Plan. The City looks forward to hearing from community members about what the community is like today, and their vision for the future growth and investment in Mid-City.
The Mid-City Communities Plan includes four communities: City Heights, Eastern Area, Kensington-Talmage and Normal Heights. The update to the Mid-City Communities Plan will serve as the 30-year vision for history and place, sustainability and climate resilience, land use, design, mobility, and parks, public facilities and open space.
Get Involved
- FAQ - Historic Context and Survey Report - outlines the historic preservation process and highlights the Historic Context Statement, Focused Reconnaissance Survey, and the identification of significant historic resources.
- Draft Historic Survey Report - identifies potential historic districts, evaluates post-WWII master-planned communities, and documents properties along key commercial corridors for further research, including cultural significance. Please provide your comments before May 31, 2025.
- Draft Historic Context Statement - identifies the historic development themes and property types that shaped the built environment of the Mid-City communities. Please provide your comments before May 31, 2025.
- Draft Public Engagement Summary - provides an overview of what we heard from the community during the first year of the plan update process.
Strategic Plan Priority Areas of Focus
This initiative focuses on the following priority areas of the Strategic Plan:
Create Homes for All of Us
Focuses opportunities for housing within mixed-use, commercial and residential areas.
Protect & Enrich Every Neighborhood
Identifies opportunities for public spaces and pocket parks, trails and joint-use facilities.
Provides guidance for the future identification and preservation of historical resources and districts that embody architectural and cultural history.
Advance Mobility & Infrastructure
Identifies opportunities for mobility infrastructure that improves walking/rolling, biking and transit connections.
Champion Sustainability
Promotes opportunities for urban greening and street trees to address stormwater runoff and climate change.
Protects canyons, open spaces and sensitive habitats.
Foster Regional Prosperity
Promotes employment uses as economic drivers connected to regional transit.
Mid-City Communities Planning Area
Community Plan Update Timeline and Process
The community ideas phase takes place in winter through summer 2024. In this phase, input will be collected from people that live and work in Mid-City about how to improved the community. The community validation phase takes place in fall through winter 2024. In this phase, input will be collected on early options based on community ideas and technical analyses. The first draft phase takes place in spring to fall 2025. This phase will give the community an opportunity to review and provide meaningful input on the complete draft. The second draft/environmental analysis phase takes place in winter through spring 2026 and includes an updated plan and environmental document for the community plan. The adoption and hearing process phase takes place in summer through fall 2026. In this phase, the community plan will be finalized for adoption by the city council.
How to Keep Updated and Get Involved?
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Send additional comments, suggestions or questions to and a Community Planner will get back to you.
Mid-City Communities Plan Update Working Group
As a part of an inclusive engagement process, the City has convened a Working Group. The next Working Group is tentatively scheduled for mid-March, 2025.
- Working Group Protocol, Membership and Selection Process (English/Español)
- Working Group Orientation (4/24/2024)
- 1st Meeting (6/26/2024)
- 2nd Meeting (9/11/2024)
- 3rd Meeting (12/11/2024)
- 4th Meeting (03/19/2025)
Existing Conditions
- Draft Mid-City Atlas: Existing Conditions Report - a snapshot of existing conditions, challenges and opportunities in Mid-City planning area.
- Table of Content |Chapter 1: Introduction | Chapter 2: History & Place | Chapter 3: Sustainability, Equity & Climate Resilience | Chapter 4: Land Use & Development | Chapter 5: Mobility | Chapter 6: Public Facilities, Parks & Open Space
- Appendices - contains supporting data broken down by community planning area related to existing park and recreation facilities, demographics, historical SDUSD enrollment, CIP projects, and previous plans and studies
- Interactive Web Map - provides several land use layers - adopted community plan land uses, existing land uses and zoning, public facilities, parks, open spaces, and historic sites - from the Mid-City Atlas: Existing Conditions Report.
- Draft Response to Community Feedback - Mid-City Atlas: Existing Conditions Report (as of Dec. 11, 2024)
- Draft Existing Conditions Mobility Assessment - highlights the current state of mobility in Mid-City, covering infrastructure, demand, safety, and performance across all transportation modes - pedestrian, bicycle, public transit and vehicular.
- Appendices - contains analysis methodology, literature review, traffic counts, PEQE calculation sheets and synchro sheets.
- Draft Historic Context Statement - identifies the historic development themes and property types that shaped the built environment of the Mid-City communities. Please provide your comments before May 31, 2025.
- Draft Historic Resource Survey - identifies potential historic districts, evaluates post-WWII master-planned communities, and documents properties along key commercial corridors for further research, including cultural significance. Please provide your comments before May 31, 2025.
- FAQ - Historic Context and Survey - outlines the historic preservation process and highlights the Historic Context Statement, Focused Reconnaissance Survey, and the identification of significant historic resources.
Public Engagement
- Draft Public Engagement Summary - provides an overview of what we heard from the community during the first year of the plan update process.
- Attachments - contain detailed information on various engagement efforts.
- Virtual Workshop Presentation - May 22, 2024
- Virtual Workshop Recording (English|Español|Tiếng Việt)
- Planning Commission Workshop - January 9, 2025