Information About Your Credit Report
The Delinquent Accounts Program reports unpaid accounts to various credit reporting agencies. In most cases, accounts are reported to these credit reporting agencies if they are not paid in full within as little as 60 days of referral for collection (see Credit Reporting Policy). If an account is paid after that period, the credit reporting entry is subsequently updated to reflect the paid status of the account.
On occasion, the information we report for one consumer may appear on another consumer's credit report. To resolve such problems, consumers should contact the agency reporting the information inaccurately and dispute the information through them. We report information to Experian, a credit reporting agency.
If your account is paid in full and you feel that, based on our Credit Reporting Policy, the account should not be reported, you may request that we remove the credit reporting entry. In evaluating such requests for removal and consistent with our policy, our staff will give consideration to issues such as returned mail or notices, errors in processing, and the timeliness of City responses to citizen requests. Staff may request that you provide documentation to support any claims you make. In many cases, there is not sufficient justification to remove the credit entry.
For additional information on consumer credit reporting and your rights, contact the Consumer Data Industry Association.