Office of the City Treasurer
Elizabeth Correia
City Treasurer
1200 Third Ave., Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: 619-236-7134

Online Payments
- Business Tax Online
- Rental Tax Online
- Parking Citation Online (Pay Cite)
- TOT/TMD Fees Online
- Delinquent Account Online
- Water & Sewer Bill Online
(Customer Care Center)
NOTE: In addition to online payments, other payment methods are available. Past due accounts that have been referred to the Office of the City Treasurer for collection can only be paid through the Delinquent Accounts Program.
City Taxes and Fees
- Business Tax/Rental Unit Business Tax
- Cannabis Business Tax
- Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)/
Tourism Marketing District (TMD)
Other Agency Taxes
These other agency taxes are NOT administered by the City of San Diego.
- Sales and Use Tax
- Property Taxes
- Income and Payroll Taxes
- Federal Taxes