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Public Utilities

Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels

Satellite view of Morena Northern Pipeline Alignment and Tunnels

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The Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels project will connect to the Morena Pipelines Middle Alignment to the south and the North City Water Reclamation Plant to the north.

This project includes portions of two 10.5-mile pipelines: one 48-inch wastewater pipeline, which will carry wastewater north to the North City facilities for purification, and one 30-inch brine line that will carry the biproduct from water purification south to the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant.

This project begins on Genesee Avenue and Appleton Street and continues on Genesee Avenue, Nobel Drive, Towne Centre Drive and Executive Drive. Tunneling will be completed at Genesee Avenue and State Route 52 (San Clemente Creek), at Genesee Avenue and Rose Creek Canyon, and under Interstate 805.

Satellite view of Morena Northern Pipeline Alignment and Tunnels

Construction Schedule

Project Started: June 2021

Anticipated Completion: 2026

Construction for this project will primarily take place during the daytime from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please note that schedules are subject to change depending on inclement weather and other circumstances. There may be occasional weekend work and night work outside of these timeframes. Tunneling work will be 24/7 with adherence to noise requirements.

What to Expect During Construction

  • Major intersections, such as Governor and Genesee; Genesee and Nobel; and Towne Centre Drive and La Jolla Village Drive, will be completed in stages so the intersections can remain partially open
    • Possible full time intersection closures as well as short term closures due to weekend work
  • K-rail will be installed for the safety of the public and workers
  • Traffic control for public safety via “block by block” road closures or lane reductions
  • Access for residents, businesses and emergency vehicles will be maintained; some delays expected
  • Posted detours for traffic, and bike lanes, sidewalks and trails to remain open wherever possible
  • No parking in construction zones
  • Impacts such as noise, dust, bright lights and construction vehicle traffic during work hours
  • Construction equipment and material staging will be in the work zone and will move along with construction

Traffic Configuration

  • One lane plus a bike lane (where possible) in both directions will be maintained on Genesee Avenue during construction
  • One lane plus a bike lane (where possible) in both directions will be maintained on Nobel Drive during construction
  • One lane plus a bike lane (where possible) in both directions will be maintained on Towne Centre Drive during construction
  • Access to Excalibur Way will be maintained throughout construction; a partial closure will occur during certain days/hours when pipe is being installed crossing Excalibur Way
  • Westbound Executive between Judicial Drive and Towne Centre Drive will be closed until the work in the intersection of Towne Centre Drive and Executive Drive has been completed
  • One lane in each direction on Executive Drive, east of Judicial Drive

Informational Materials

Construction Notices

Community Presentations

Project Photos

  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project
  • Morena Northern Pipelines and Tunnels construction project