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Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

Industry Meetings

The City of San Diego's Engineering & Capital Projects Department hosts industry meetings to increase outreach and awareness of CIP projects and opportunities, as required by Council Policy 000-31 Capital Improvement Program Transparency. To attend any of the meetings, click on the meeting date link to confirm your participation.

Email Updates

To receive updates about each meeting, submit your email address in the "Join our Email List" box on the right side of this page, and select the respective industry meeting email self-subscribe list that you would like to subscribe to.

Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) & Emerging Local Business Enterprise (ELBE) Meetings

These meetings provide information for the small and emerging local business community to participate in upcoming CIP construction contracting opportunities.



Consultant Industry Meetings

These meetings provide information for the consultant industry to participate in upcoming CIP construction contracting opportunities.

City Construction Industry Meetings

These meetings provide a forum for construction contractors, both prime and subs, to voice issues and concerns about active construction contracts.