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Sustainability and Mobility

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Program

Climate Action Plan Measure 2.3 sets goals to increase electric vehicle (EV) adoption. The Public Electric Vehicle Charging Program (PEVCP) is one way the City of San Diego is encouraging people in our communities to transition to zero-emissions vehicles. 

The City has public facilities in all neighborhoods and office locations for more than 11,000 employees with over 400 parking lots. Installing EV chargers in City-owned parking lots throughout San Diego will help address community needs where charging at home is not feasible and create a connected, accessible and reliable EV charging network.

The City has entered into an exclusive 10-year concession agreement with a competitively procured vendor to implement the PEVCP. The vendor will be responsible for financing, designing, permitting, operating and maintaining EV chargers at City-owned parking lots.

The PEVCP site installations will take place in five categories, including the replacement of existing City EV chargers.

Site Installation Prioritization

Swap OutPublic EV chargers at City locationsReplacement
OnePublic City Facilities
(Libraries and Recreation Centers)
Priority One
TwoCity Workplaces
(Offices, Police Stations, Fire Stations, etc.)
Priority Two
ThreeNew City Facilities Construction ProjectsDetermined by Construction Timeline
FourOther City Properties Vendor Determined


Take a survey and share your awareness, knowledge and thoughts about EVs and EV chargers here: Coming Soon!

Contact the PEVCP with questions, comments or for more information at

PEVCP Resources and Information