Uptown - Previous Planning Efforts, Studies and Reports
1988 Uptown Community Plan, Mid-City Communities Plan, and West Lewis Street Planned District
Development applications deemed complete prior to the effective date of the 2016 Uptown Community Plan and zoning can continue to be processed under the 1988 Uptown Community Plan, Mid-City Communities Planned District, and West Lewis Street Planned District:
- 1988 Uptown Community Plan
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 01 Mid-City Communities -General Rules
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -Permits and Procedures
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -Zoning
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -General and Supplemental Regulations
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -Figure 1
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -Figure 2
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -Figure 3
- Ch. 15 Art 12 Division 02 Mid-City Communities -Figure 4
- Ch. 15 Art 20 Division 01 West Lewis Street -General Rules
- Ch. 15 Art 20 Division 02 West Lewis Street -Permits and Procedures
- Ch. 15 Art 20 Division 03 West Lewis Street -Zones
- Ch. 15 Art 20 Division 04 West Lewis Street -General and Supplemental Regulations
Hillcrest Corridor Mobility Plan
Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment
On July 30, 2024, the San Diego City Council adopted the Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment. Please visit the Hillcrest Focused Plan Amendment webpage to find further information view meeting agendas, background information, and technical documents.
Uptown Community Plan Amendments
On June 12, 2018, the City Council approved amendments to the 2016 Uptown Community Plan related to:
- Restoring the proposed residential density associated with the St. Paul’s Seniors site in the Bankers Hill/Park West neighborhood.
- Addressing a zoning and land use inconsistency that would allow the community plan land use density match the higher density allowed in the former Planned District zone within the Hillcrest neighborhood.
- Establishing a Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone (CPIOZ) for the largely residential areas within the areas of the former MR-1500 zone in the University Heights neighborhood that would "trigger" discretionary review for development exceeding 30 feet in height. Ministerial review would be allowed for development that is 30 feet in height and below.
- 2019 Uptown Community Plan
Uptown Zoning
Final Program Environmental Impact Report
DRAFT Urban Design Element -Errata Sheet
Text changes have been made to the DRAFT Urban Design Element to reflect comments from the public and review by City staff. A summary of edits and revisions to the DRAFT Urban Design Element are listed on the following errata sheet at the following link:
Uptown Community Plan Update Workshop
The Planning Department will be hosting a workshop to discuss community plan implementation as it relates to the use of Citywide zoning to implement aspects of the Draft Urban Design Element, as well as a discussion on the proposed interim protection measures for potential historic districts. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 24, 2016, from 6 to 8 p.m. Location: Case del Prado, Majorca Room 101, in Balboa Park. Agenda topic times are approximate.
- Interim Protections for Potential Historic Districts Presentation
- Implementation Workshop Presentation
- Uptown Community Plan Update Workshop - March 24, 2016
The following information will be discussed at the March 24, 2016, Uptown Community Plan Update Workshop:
Plan Implementation
The draft community plan will be implemented through the application of citywide zones (illustrated on the proposed zone map). These zones and their regulations would replace those of the Mid-City Communities Planned District and West Lewis Street Planned District. Amendments to the Municipal Code including application of the Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone (CPIOZ) are also proposed for regulations pertaining to commercial uses and development standards as well as for protections within potential historic districts.
- Draft Implementation Chapter Revised April 2016
- Draft Urban Design Element Revised April 2016
- Residential Development Regulations
- Open Space Regulations
Uptown Community Plan Update Text Revisions – January 2016
Changes to the June 2015 Draft Land Use Map were presented at the Feb. 2, 2016, Uptown Planners Special Meeting. Revisions reflect the removal of the incentive zoning proposal, placing more of an emphasis on placing development intensity along commercial-transit corridors, as well as meeting the goals of the adopted Climate Action Plan.
The link to the presentation is provided below. Please send public comment to: Marlon Pangilinan, Senior Planner at mpangilinan@sandiego.gov
The following are links to the January 2016 Proposed Community Land Use Map and the proposed land use maps for each Uptown neighborhood. Areas have been outlined on the maps to identify the location of land use changes since the June 2015 Public Draft.
- January 2016 Proposed Uptown Community Land Use Map
- January 2016 Proposed Land Use -Bankers Hill/Park West
- January 2016 Proposed Land Use -Middletown
- January 2016 Proposed Land Use -Mission Hills
- January 2016 Proposed Land Use -Hillcrest
- January 2016 Proposed Land Use -Medical Complex
- January 2016 Proposed Land Use -University Heights
The following plan elements (text only) have been revised and are available for public review and comment. These documents reflect public input received and taken during the Uptown Planners’ review of the June 2015 Public Draft. Plan maps, photos, and graphics are currently being refined by staff and will be included as the draft plan progresses towards finalization. Strikeout underline versions of the draft plan elements are also include here to indicate where changes have been made to the public draft.
Revised Elements:
- Introduction -Revised -January 2016
- Land Use Element -Revised - January 2016
- Mobility Element -Revised -January 2016
- Urban Design Element -Revised -January 2016
- Economic Prosperity Element – Revised January 2016
- Public facilities, Services and Safety Element-Revised January 2016
- Recreation Element – Revised January 2016
- Conversation Element -Revised -January 2016
- Noise Element -Revised -January 2016
- Historic Preservation Element -January 2016
Versions with edits
- Introduction – Edits– January 2016
- Land Use Element – Edits- January 2016
- Mobility Element – Edits – January 2016
- Urban Design Element– Edits – January 2016
- Economic Prosperity Element –Edits - January 2016
- Public Facilities, Services, and Safety Element - Edits - January 2016
- Recreation Element – Edits - January 2016
- Conservation Element – Edits - January 2016
- Noise Element – Edits - January 2016
- Historic Preservation Element - Edits - January 2016
Uptown Community Plan Update -Potential Park Survey Information
Updated Sept. 29, 2015
During the charrette process for the Uptown Community Plan Update, community stakeholders were asked to identify potential park and recreation ideas. Opportunity areas such as vacant properties, paper streets and excess rights-of-way, potential trails, and government properties were identified and evaluated against suitability criteria by Park Planning staff and input from the Uptown Planners. These ideas assisted in the formulation of policies for the draft Recreation Element and were mapped on Figure 7-1: Parks, Recreation Facilities, and Open of the Public Draft of the Uptown Community Plan (June 2015). Subsequent review of these park ideas has taken place with the community, further refining the overall recreational opportunities identified in the draft community plan.
Potential Park Survey Information
To assist the Uptown Planners request to further identify potential park opportunities in the Uptown Community, Planning Department staff has prepared several maps (see Park Survey Maps link below) that identify the following information:
- Proposed parks within the community
- Areas identified as proposed park equivalencies in the Draft Uptown Community Plan
- Vacant/Developable land
- Dedicated Open Space - land owned and managed by the City for open space preservation
- City-owned properties
- Land within the Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) that has been aside for habitat preservation
- Trails identified as park equivalencies
- Surface parking lots
- Paper streets (unimproved right-of-way)
- Park Survey Maps
Public Comment
Community stakeholders are encouraged to review these maps and forward written input to City staff. A special meeting of the Uptown Planners is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Balboa Park Club-Santa Fe Room, located at 2144 Pan American Road West in Balboa Park, for public discussion on this matter.
Uptown Community Plan Update Public Review Draft June 2015 and Revised Public Comment Deadline
The draft of the Uptown Community Plan Update is available for public review and supersedes the Discussion Draft provided previously. The updated community plan conveys community goals and recommendations with an emphasis on sustainable development principles and policies, urban design, encouraging a multi-modal transportation network, the identification of new potential historic districts - all of which are clearly outlined in an illustrative, graphically based, action oriented planning document.
We are requesting comments from the community at-large be provided by Dec. 1, 2015 and comments from the Uptown Planners, the City's officially recognized community planning group for this community, by Dec. 16, 2015. Please provide comments in writing by either postal mail or email to:
Marlon I. Pangilinan
Senior Planner
City of San Diego Planning Department
1222 First Ave., MS-413
San Diego, CA 92101
Email: mpangilinan@sandiego.gov
DRAFT Uptown Community Plan Update - Full Version
- Cover & Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Land Use
- Mobility
- Urban Design
- Economic Prosperity
- Public Facilities, Services and Safety
- Recreation
- Conservation
- Noise
- Historic Preservation
- Implementation
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
Documents that support, implement or provide analysis of the draft community plan are posted below.
*NEW* 2015 Uptown Community Plan Area Draft Historic Resources Survey Report
Proposed Zoning Maps:
Zoning implementation is proposed for the draft community plan through application of citywide zones (illustrated on the maps below) combined with tailored zoning using the Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone (refer to section 11 of the draft community plan). These regulations would replace the Mid-City Communities Planned District and West Lewis Planned District:
Uptown, North Park & Golden Hill Plan Updates Mobility Study June 2015
Uptown, North Park & Golden Hill Plan Updates Traffic Impact Study June 2015