Point La Jolla
Point La Jolla and the California Sea Lion
Point La Jolla is a rocky portion along the San Diego coastline between La Jolla Cove and Boomer Beach in the community of La Jolla. In recent years, the point has become a popular area for California Sea Lions to haul out of the ocean and rest and for sea lion mothers to raise their young during the annual pupping season.
With the increase in the sea lion population, Point La Jolla has become a popular tourist destination for the public to view these wild animals close up. As a result, interactions between sea lions and the public have increased.
Members of the public have been observed trying to touch, take selfies, and get as close to sea lions as possible which is a dangerous situation for both the public and the animals.
Additionally, sea lion pupping season, which typically begins in early May and concludes in October, is a very important time for mother sea lions and their young to bond, nurse and learn to swim. Human interactions with adult sea lions and their young during this period could result in injury or abandonment of sea lion offspring and aggressive behavior from adult sea lions. These interactions are not only dangerous for both humans and wildlife, it may be a violation of the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act which helps to safeguard these animals.
Understanding the Signage at Point La Jolla

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1. AREA CLOSED - NO ENTRY: Violators are subject to citation per SDMC.
2. CAUTION: Do not approach seals/sea lions. • Seals/sea lions can bite. • Agitated seals/sea lions may attack.
• Harassing seals/sea lions is against the law. In an emergency, contact 9-1-1.
3. NO DOGS: Regulations for the Use of Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach Areas. It is unlawful for any dog at any time to be in the closure area.
4. OCEAN ACCESS FOR SWIMMING ONLY: All other use prohibited. Violators are subject to prosecution per SDMC.
5. NO DOGS: Regulations for the Use of Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach Areas. It is unlawful for any dog at any time, except for service dogs while in service, to traverse the Ocean Access Corridor on Boomer Beach.
6. AREA CLOSED: Access is for City Employees or Agents Only. Violators are subject to citation per SDMC.
City Council Hearing on Sept. 18, 2023
Amendments to the San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 6, Article 3, Division 1 relating to the use of Parks and Beaches, including Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach.
Seasonal to Year-Round Closure Proposal
On Sept. 18, 2023, the City Council heard Item 201 to adopt an ordinance amending section 63.0102(g) relating to the Use of Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach Areas from a Seasonal to Year-Round Closure and adopt a resolution adopting the Addendum to the Final Negative Declaration for the La Jolla Children’s Pool Enclosure for the Year-Round Closure. The Council supported the item. The Council adopted the final passage of the Ordinance.
2023 Coastal Development Permit
The City applied and received a Coastal Development Permit Amendment No. 6-22-0113-A1 from the California Coastal Commission to implement a year-round closure of Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach. Below is the link for the 2023 Coastal Development Permit Amendment application.
- Point La Jolla CDP Application
- Point La Jolla CDP Amendment Appendices A-E
- Point La Jolla CDP Amendment Vicinity Map
- Point La Jolla CDP Amendment Project Plan
- Point La Jolla CDP Amendment Sign Plan and Gate
2022 Coastal Development Permit
The City applied and received a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) from the California Coastal Commission to implement an annual seasonal closure of Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach. Below is the link for the 2022 Coastal Development Permit and related documents associated with the conditions of the CDP.
- Point La Jolla Sea Lion Survey Results
- 2022 Coastal Development Permit
- Point La Jolla Seasonal Closure Map
- Point La Jolla is regulated by Municipal Code 63.0102 (f).
- Preliminary Long-Term Management Plan - Point La Jolla (November 1, 2022)
- Final Long-Term Management Plan - Point La Jolla (April 1, 2023)
2021 Emergency Seasonal Closure
In an effort to moderate close interactions with the public and the sea lions, the City issued a temporary, seasonal closure of Point La Jolla via Emergency Coastal Development Permit No. 2572053 from Aug. 10, 2021, through Sept. 15, 2021. Below is a boundary map of the area included in the 2021 emergency closure.
- 2021 Emergency Seasonal Closure Map
- Point La Jolla Seasonal Closure: Emergency Coastal Development Permit – No. 2572053