Park Use Rules and Regulations
- Alcohol
- Animals
- Balloons/Inflatables
- Cleanup
- Expressive Activity in Parks
- About Fees
- Fire Ring Counts, Rules, and Locations
- General Rules
- Slacklining
- Parking
- Setup
- Special Events
- Park Capacity Master List per
Municipal Code Chapter 6, Article 3
- Park Use Permits for Over Capacity Events/Activities Information on CEQA review
NOTE: A permit is not a reservation; however, if you have it with you at your event, City employees will honor your permit.
The permittee is responsible for clarifying with the Parks Permit Center Office any special requests not addressed in the rules and regulations as presented. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your permit.
The Parks Permit Center is at 2125 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101. Call 619-235-1169 or email Ask Parks.
You will be charged with any increased costs to the City due to either your failure to comply with the terms of your permit or your violation of any laws.