Restoring Tecolote Canyon Natural Park and Nature Center

Restoring Tecolote Canyon
The Park and Recreation Department is working to restore Tecolote Canyon Natural Park to its natural state.
Here's What We're Doing
- Locating and mapping non-native plants for removal.
- Working with local schools, presenting educational programs on the value of native vegetation.
- Educating local residents on how they can prevent further degradation of the Canyon and pollution to Tecolote Creek.
- Helping organize a display area around Tecolote Nature Center to benefit visitors to the canyon.
Why We're Doing This
- Restore the Canyon to its natural state.
- Encourage greater usage of the park by local residents.
- Educate local students about the role they play in our local ecosystem and how they can protect the environment.
How You Can Help
- Volunteer for revegetation, clean-up, and plant removal projects
- Visit the nature center to learn more about the importance of preserving the natural and historical resources of Tecolote Canyon.
Who To Contact
There are several local organizations working for the benefit of Tecolote Canyon. If you would like to volunteer time, donate funds, or receive information about these organizations, please call that organization's contact person.
Tecolote Canyon Citizens' Advisory Committee - Organized pursuant to San Diego City Council to write the master plan for the park and to advise the City Council and staff in its implementation, contact is: Darrel Madison
Friends of Tecolote Canyon - A non-profit community organization, this group sponsors activities throughout the year such as replanting damaged areas on slopes, planting sapling trees, and clean-up projects. Willing hands are always needed for these projects. Tax-deductible donations are also appreciated to help purchase plants and other necessities. If you would like to help in any way, please contact: Sherlie Miller (858) 292-5548
For additional information please contact the Tecolote Nature Center at (858) 581-9944.