Black Mountain Open Space Park - Things to do

- Open Space Trail Map (PDF)
Numerous trails offer hikers, bicyclists and equestrians the opportunity to discover the wonder of this open space park. Black Mountain offers a variety of trails and dirt roads that travel through dense chaparral covered canyons, native grasslands and riparian areas. Hikers and cyclists can enjoy the challenge of the steep mountain (easement) trail to the summit where you can take in a 360 degree view from the top of Black Mountain.
The Summit trail can be reached at the end of Oviedo Way at the cul-de-sac near Hilltop Community Park. This trail winds through coastal sage scrub and chaparral covered ridges, joining the dirt access road to eventually reach the summit of Black Mountain. The trail consists of old dirt roads and skirts along the slopes of Black Mountain, providing excellent views along the way.
Utility vehicles will sometimes use the road to access the microwave towers atop the summit.
The Miner's Ridge Loop Trail offers hikers the opportunity to explore the chaparral plant communities on the north slope of the mountain. This 2.5 mile loop trail is moderate in difficulty, and provides the visitor with both solitude and wonderful views and can be accessed from the parking lot located off of the Black Mountain Road (future Carmel Valley Rd. to the east).
The City's recent acquisition includes 10 miles of multi-use regional trails surrounding the Santaluz Development to the north-west portion of the park. The trails offer recreationists a delightful and diverse experience ranging from easy to moderate terrain through valleys, grasslands and along riparian corridors. These trails are excellent for wildlife enthusiasts.