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Independent Budget Analyst (IBA)

IBA Reports on Grand Jury Responses

Report No. 13-42

Report No. 13_42 - Attachment 1(PDF)(9/17/13)
Report No. 13_42 - Attachment 2(PDF)(9/17/13)
Response to Grand Jury Report: Mission Valley Fuel Leakage and Contamination Abatement

Report No. 13-41

Report No. 13_41 - Attachment 1(PDF)(9/17/13)
Report No. 13_41 - Attachment 2(PDF)(9/17/13)
Response to Grand Jury Report: Reduce Dependence on Imported Water

Report No. 13-37 REV

Report No. 13_37rev - Attachment 1(PDF)(9/25/13)
Report No. 13_37rev - Attachment 2(PDF)(9/25/13)
Report No. 13_37rev - Attachment 3(PDF)(9/25/13)
Response to Grand Jury Report: Improved Access to Land Survey Records and Monuments"

Report No. 13-37

Report No. 13_37 - Attachment 1(PDF)(9/4/13)
Report No. 13_37 - Attachment 2(PDF)(9/4/13)
Response to Grand Jury Report: Improved Access to Land Survey Records and Monuments"

Report No. 13-35

Report No. 13_35 - Attachment 1(PDF)(9/3/13)
Report No. 13_35 - Attachment 2(PDF)(9/3/13)
Report No. 13_35 - Attachment 3(PDF)(9/3/13)
Response to Grand Jury Report:"San Diego- A Bicycle Friendly City; Many Opportunities for Improvement"

Report No. 13-36

Report No. 13_36 - Attachment 1(PDF)(9/3/13)
Report No. 13_36 - Attachment 2(PDF)(9/3/13)
Report No. 13_36 - Attachment 3(PDF)(9/3/13)
Report No. 13_36 - Attachment 4(PDF)(9/3/13)
Response to Grand Jury Report: Redevelopment Is Dead! Long Live Redevelopment!"

Grand Jury Responses reports from 2015 and earlier are available in the City of San Diego's archived site.