Other Important Documents
Council Staff Docket Briefing Agendas
Council Staff Docket Briefings allow staff from City and independent departments to brief Council offices on certain items anticipated to appear on upcoming agendas of the San Diego City Council and/or the Housing Authority. Docket Briefing agendas for those entities are not yet final at the time this notice is published. Council staff may question department staff about any item listed on the agenda. This is an information-gathering meeting only. The meeting is open to the public.
Fiscal Impact Analyses for City Ballot Measures
As prescribed by Municipal Code section 27.0506, the IBA develops draft fiscal impact analyses of proposed ballot measures relating to the City of San Diego. The draft fiscal impact analysis for each measure is provided to the Mayor and City Auditor. If there is disagreement among the IBA, Mayor and City Auditor regarding final wording that will appear on the ballot, the decision of two out of three prevails.
The fiscal impact analysis must reasonably inform the voters of the proposed measures fiscal impact, if any, and be true, impartial and not argumentative.
Budget Process
The City's budget development process begins in the fall of the prior year with the development of the legislative calendar and its subsequent review and approval by the City Council. This calendar includes key budget dates that indicate the release of budget development reports and their scheduled review and approval at Council Committee and the City Council.
Key budget development dates for the upcoming fiscal year, in addition to the current years budget monitoring reports, can be found in the calendar below. Additional details about the Citys budget development process can be found in the hearing schedule for the Budget Review Committee's discussion of the Proposed Budget, and the IBA's Citizen Guides to the City's budget and infrastructure.
- Watch Budget Crash Course (March 20, 2025)
Key Dates for FY 2026 Budget Development and FY 2025 Budget Monitoring
Public Guide to the Budget
- The Public’s Guide to the Budget Process & FY 2025 Adopted Budget (English)
La Guía Pública Para El Proceso Presupuestario y El Año Fiscal 2025 Adoptado (Spanish)
Public Guide to the Infrastructure
- The Public’s Guide to Infrastructure & FY 2025 Adopted CIP Budget (English)
La Guía Para El Público Sobre La Infraestructura Y El Presupuesto Del CIP Adoptado Para El Año Fiscal2025 (Spanish)
Managed Competition/ Preliminary Statements of Work (PSOW) Process
Following voter approval of the Managed Competition Ballot item in November 2006 the City Council is now responsible for ensuring that service quality is maintained through all managed competition processes in accordance with the City Charter. To provide Council the opportunity to review service levels under consideration by the Mayor's Office, in July 2008 the IBA proposed a municipal code change which required the Mayor to bring forward to City Council, for review and approval, Preliminary Statements of Work (PSOW) for all managed competitions.
Responding to San Diego County Grand Jury Reports
On behalf of the City Council the IBA develops the responses to San Diego County Grand Jury reports. The IBA works with the relevant department(s) related to the report to develop responses to the findings and/or recommendations. The proposed responses are heard at a City Council Committee prior to being approved by the full City Council.
The IBA will post presentations they feel would be of interest to the public. If you are interested in a specific presentation that is not listed, please feel free to contact the Office of the IBA via email at sdiba@sandiego.gov or via telephone at (619) 236-6555.