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Human Resources

Labor Relations

The Human Resources Department's Labor Relations Office provides guidance and policy advice to the Mayor and management on labor and employment issues, such as the meet-and-confer process with employee organizations, grievance resolution, disciplinary actions and appeals, leave provisions, federal and state labor laws, and rewards and recognition programs. This office serves as the primary point of contact for the City's six recognized employee organizations and negotiates on behalf of the City regarding wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment. 

The Labor Relations Office handles all unclassified position recruitments and reasonable accommodations interactive processes, prepares the annual Salary Ordinance for City Council adoption, and develops and presents training on employment-related matters, diversity awareness and other various employee relations issues.

The City of San Diego has six recognized labor organizations as follows:

  • International Association of Firefighters, Local 145 (Local 145) represents fire safety officers.
  • San Diego Police Officers Association (POA) represents sworn safety officers.
  • California Teamsters Local 911 (Local 911) represents Lifeguards
  • American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 127 (Local 127) represents skilled trades and laborers
  • Deputy City Attorneys Association (DCAA) represents the unclassified Deputy City Attorneys
  • San Diego Municipal Employees Association (MEA) represents technical, office, professionals and supervisory employees

The remaining unrepresented employees consist of positions that include management employees, confidential employees and Elected Officials and their staffs.