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Homelessness Strategies and Solutions

Success Stories

These are the stories of the countless individuals who have been helped through services and programs offered in the City of San Diego. Each person featured here consented to share their story. 
  • Sandra


    Read More about Sandra

    Success Story - Sandra

    Meet Sandra, a positive outgoing individual who became homeless shortly after battling mental health and drug addiction. Battling active addiction and surviving on the streets proved to be very challenging. Losing all hope, Sandra reached out to the Alpha Project's Outreach team, who brought her to the Harm Reduction shelter. While at the shelter Sandra participated in Wheels of Change and enjoyed attending the weekly support group. Sandra utilized case management in obtaining identification, connecting to mental health professionals, and completing her resume. In June 2022 Sandra got hired at the Olive Garden as a hostess. Sandra plans on saving money, working on her recovery, and finding permanent housing. Im so thankful for Alpha Project, they have given me a safe place to call home," Sandra said.

  • Success Stories - Sharon


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    Success Story - Sharon

    Sharon became homeless after battling mental health issues and drug addiction. Sharon was recently a resident of the Citys new Harm Reduction Shelter. In March, she and her dog, Loca, moved into a new one-bedroom apartment in the Midway district.

    Sharons journey shows the array of services that are needed to assist one person into housing. Outreach Shelter Treatment programs Interim Employment Case Management Housing. Congratulations, Sharon!

  • Success Stories - Terri


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    Success Story - Terri

    After multiple experiences with homelessness and trauma, Terri is dedicated to making her housing opportunity work for the long haul. Terri was one of the lucky individuals to receive 1 of the 744 Emergency Housing Vouchers provided to San Diego by the American Rescue Plan. Congratulations, Terri!

  • Success Stories - Tony


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    Success Story - Tony

    I can't even believe this is really happening to me right now! Less than 45 days after enrolling with Alpha Project late last year, Tony moved into his own apartment after aging out of the foster care system and struggling for 10 years with homelessness and severe mental health issues. Congratulations, Tony!

  • Vickie


    Read More about Vickie

    Success Story - Vickie

    After losing both her husband and mother, Vickie was left with nowhere to go or family to take her in. Thats when Vickie found Alpha Project. Through their City-funded shelter, Vickie has been able to settle some legal issues, get a good nights rest, shower and have hot meals, and purchase a vehicle to give her a sense of independence. She says that she has learned to be patient and more understanding. While she has yet to find housing, Vickie remains optimistic that she will be in her own place soon. Good things are on the horizon for Vickie!

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    Read More about W.S.

    Success Story - W.S.

    W.S. is a 63-year-old veteran who had been unsheltered for years. When W.S. entered the program, he expressed concerns of feeling lonely in this new environment. However, he quickly adapted and made friends with staff and other clients. While W.S. was enrolled in the program, we worked on obtaining food stamps and submitting his IHSS application submitted. He was able to find housing in just two weeks and now has access to support groups, groceries and a community that focuses on unity. W.S. was thrilled with his fully furnished apartment and could not hide his excitement when he saw his groceries.

  • Success Stories - William


    Read More about William

    Success Story - William

    William is an honorable war veteran who recently got help through our Harm Reduction Shelter for those in need of mental health or substance use care. After working with mental health professionals, attending self-help meetings and reconnecting with family, William is now in his own apartment. Thank you, William, for your service and congratulations on your new home.