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Homelessness Strategies and Solutions

Success Stories

These are the stories of the countless individuals who have been helped through services and programs offered in the City of San Diego. Each person featured here consented to share their story. 
  • Success Stories - Kathrine


    Read More about Kathrine

    Success Story - Kathrine

    The Alpha Project is incredible. Im so thankful for the staff. They have always treated me with respect. Since Ive been at the Harm Reduction Shelter, I have been able to get a job, reconnect with family, and make new friends. I am truly blessed to be at the shelter. - Kathrine

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    Read More about Kelly

    Success Story - Kelly

    Kelly got his car stolen, lost his job and his apartment and found himself homeless shortly after coming to San Diego. Kelly got in contact with Alpha Project teams and was able to get into one of the Citys shelters. He is now employed and working toward finding permanent housing.

  • Success Stories - Kimberly


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    Success Story - Kimberly

    Domestic violence and family issues left Kimberly homeless off and on since 2009. Since March, shes been busy updating her resume and chasing down job leads. She has also made great relationships with fellow shelter residents with similar goals and they are all working toward moving out of the shelter together, as roommates!

  • Kristine


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    Success Story - Kristine

    Kristine has experienced homelessness in San Diego for the last three years. During that time, she lost her daughter, lost the support of her family and turned to drugs as a result. While she was incarcerated, Kristine heard about Alpha Project and contacted them to get into shelter. She has worked to get her documents in order, reconnect with family and begin working on her health. Kristine hopes to soon find employment and housing and work toward going back to school and getting her daughter back in her life.

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    Read More about M.G.

    Success Story - M.G.

    M.G. was living in a makeshift shelter along the I-5 freeway when City Net outreach teams first met him. M.G. said he was interested in help but didnt know where to start. City Net chatted with M.G. about available services and helped him get into a shelter.

  • Success Stories - Marie


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    Success Story - Marie

    Accepting the services availableis the first step to ending a persons homelessness. Marie took that step after hearing about a shelter run by Alpha Project from SDPD Homeless Outreach Teams and a friend. Marie is now sober and is working two jobs all so that she can gain her independence and bring her children back into her life. Stay strong, Marie!

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    Read More about Michael

    Success Story - Michael

    In March, Father Joes Villages opened the new St. Teresa of Calcutta Villa supportive housing complex. Michael, a former Harm Reduction Shelter client, is one of its new residents. Michael spent 5 years experiencing homelessness and battling drug addiction. Now hes working on his recovery and in a safe place he can call home.

  • Mishawn


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    Success Story - Mishawn

    After the passing ofher mother, Mishawn lost her home. Mishawn spent six months on the streets in San Diego when she called 2-1-1 and got ahold of outreach teams and into shelter. She has taken full advantage of the services offered at City of San Diego shelters. She now has all of her documents in order and is looking to get a job working in security. Mishawn is currently looking for housing and hopeful that once those final pieces fall into place, she can get her daughter back.

  • Success Stories - Naomy


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    Success Story - Naomy

    Naomy has been homeless for a year here in San Diego after leaving her home in El Salvador in hopes of a better life. Before leaving her home, she did secure housing through a friend willing to lend a helping hand. Unfortunately, they were no longer able to help which left her to fend for herself in a country she didnt know very well. Thankfully she was able to find help at Survivor San Diego, which referred her to Alpha Project for shelter. Once at Alpha Project, Naomy was able to connect with their Employment Specialist who was able to assist her in enrolling in ESL classes to learn English to help move forward with her citizenship case. Naomy is continuing to work on her English, saving for a car, doing well at her job and finding herself a permanent home here in the U.S.

  • Nicole


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    Success Story - Nicole

    Nicole has been homeless since she was 18 due to issues with her home life. Through the help of the Youth Assistance Coalition and Alpha Project, she is on her way to achieving her goals. Nicole updated her resume, received assistance in filling out applications and was outfitted with professional attire. She now has a job at the San Diego Zoo and is hoping to soon secure housing and go back to college. Congratulations, Nicole!

  • Nikki


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    Success Story - Nikki

    Nikki has been homeless off and on since she was 16 due to her familys disapproval of her sexuality. Nikki has struggle with mental health issues all her life and after recently starting treatment, says she is getting better at coping with issues as they arise in her life. Nikki was recently matched to housing and is looking forward to getting into a place of her own so that she can spend time with her son.

  • Success Stories - Rachel


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    Success Story - Rachel

    Busy studying at City College and reconnecting with her children, Rachel finally has an apartment of her own after experiencing homelessness off and on since graduating high school. Now she hopes she can volunteer at the shelter to help others achieve their goals.

  • Success Stories - Robert


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    Success Story - Robert

    Robert has been homeless for 4 months, and its been a new experience. Hes lived on the street or in a dumpster a couple of times just to feel safe. Robertss wife passed away a little over a year ago from lung failure. He tried to keep up with the bills by working two jobs, but it just became too much while dealing with cancer himself. While on the streets, he found out about the Alpha Project, was introduced to outreach teams and got enrolled in the shelter. He has since utilized onsite services, enrolled in health insurance, CalFresh Benefits, and worked with The Wheels of Change. He plans on upgrading his veteran status and starting treatments to get his health back. Robert says that he would be lost without the help of the Alpha Project. He now has a sense of stability, direction and a support system.

  • Success Stories - Ronnie


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    Success Story - Ronnie

    Ronnie is excited about outfitting his new home with all the necessities a TV, plants and a new bed. Ronnie has been experiencing homelessness since 2015, but that all changed in 2021 when he went into the Alpha Project shelter. He says it had been a while since he felt as if people cared for him, and he felt that again at the shelter.