News Archives
Mayor Appoints Two New Citizen Advisors on Public-Safety Issues
Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer tapped Pastor Jesus Sandoval as Executive Director of the City’s Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention.
Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention Issues 2017 Annual Report
The 2017 annual report of the Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention is now available:
2017 Annual Report -- Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention
First Issue of New Quarterly Newsletter Released
The summer issue of the Commission's new quarterly newsletter is now available:
2016 Restorative Justice & Restorative Practices Summit
On Feb. 26, 2016, the Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention, along with many other partners, sponsored and actively participated in the 2016 Restorative Justice & Restorative Practices Summit at the San Diego Community Concourse. Many people were brought together from across the region to learn and apply the principles of Restorative Justice back in the San Diego community. The purpose of this summit was to raise awareness about Restorative Justice and Restorative practices and the benefits to the community including victims, offenders, and society. The goal is to mobilize community members, practitioners, and system stakeholders to expand the use of Restorative Justice and Restorative Principles across the San Diego region. If you are interested in learning more information, the program agenda and media presentations from this summit are available on this page:
Commission Releases New Strategic Action Plan 2015-2020
The Commission has released a new 2015-2020 Strategic Action Plan: "A Strategic Collaborative Approach to Impacting Gang Violence: The Community Focused Youth Empowerment Initiative." Strategic Action Plan 2015-2020
Commission Releases Its Strategic Plan
The Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention has released its Strategic Plan (2013). The plan outlines the Commission's goals and priorities.
Trauma Informed Care Conference: Responding to Community Violence - Impact, Awareness and Empowerment
The Trauma Informed Care Conference: Responding to Community Violence -- Impact, Awareness and Empowerment was held at the City's Valencia Park/Malcolm X Branch Library on Oct. 13, 2012. In attendance were 164 community members, agency staff and professionals. The conference was collaboratively sponsored by Alliance for Community Empowerment, City's Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency, Jenna Druck Foundation, Harmonium, UC San Diego Health Services, the Peace Coalition, Youth Voice, San Ysidro Health Clinic, Jonathan Villafuerte and Motivating the Teen Spirit.
- Program Workshop Agenda
- Special poem by Ron Britton
- Speakers Biographies
- Gabrielle Cerda, MD (UCSD Dept. of Psychiatry) Presentation (PDF)
- Commission Chair, Rosa Ana Lozada's "Taking Care" Presentation
- Families Impacted by Community Violence Conference Input( PDF)
- Conference Evaluation Summary
The Third Biennial Gang Prevention Summit
The University of San Diego hosted the third biennial San Diego Gang Prevention Summit at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice on Wednesday, April 25, 2012. Entitled "Building Community Connections" Learn Share Connect, this county-wide event was sponsored by the City's Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention, University of San Diego's Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, the Leichtag Foundation, San Diego County Office of Education, San Diego County District Attorney's Office, and San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency's Behavioral Health/Alcohol & Drug Services. More than 300 attendees participated in the conference.
San Diego Gang Prevention/Intervention Summit
More than 350 people attended the San Diego Prevention/Intervention Summit on Sept. 14, 2010 at the University of San Diego's Joan Kroc School of Peace Studies. This summit was co-organized by the San Diego County Office of Education, the City of San Diego Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention, and the USD Joan Kroc School of Peace Studies. There were presentations by a variety of community organizations working to impact gang violence. The day was filled with information sharing and connecting with initiatives that are working in a variety of communities.
We have listed the panelists (we have notes for two sessions) and how to get in touch with them. We have also included some resources that could help families.
- Summit Flyer
- Summit Speakers and Contact information
- Community Prevention Information
- Family Support Session
- Tips for Parents (English)
- School Assessment Tool
- Tips for Parents (in Spanish)
- Mid City Community Connections Notes
Caring Helpers Youth Summit
June 23, 2010
Hall of Champions, Balboa Park
Community Summit: Collaborations
Jan. 25, 2008
SDSU Aztec Center
Keynote Speaker: Paul Seave, State Director of Gang and Youth Violence Policy
City Council's Public Safety & Neighborhood Services Committee (PS&NS)
- Video (Choose PS&NS Sept. 12 and Item 3)
- Report to City Council
- March 4, 2009, Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee Meeting
- Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee Report, Oct. 22, 2008
Safe Passage Program
- Report to Public Safety and Neighborhood Services
- Slide Presentation
- Video (Choose PS&NS July 25 and Item 2)
- Montgomery Middle School and Gompers Charter Middle School Surveys