May 10, 2007 conference, Community Solutions: Creating Regional/Neighborhood Anti-gang Strate
Thank you to the Jacobs Family Foundation and Family Funders as well the U.S. Attorney's Office and the San Diego Foundation for their support!
The May 10th conference was well attended. More than 300 people came to work on strategies for their communities. We will be posting the outcomes of these meetings in the next weeks.
The speakers were great!
Dr. Joseph Marshall spoke about the public health perspective of gang violence. You are invited to listen!!!!
- Listen to Street Soldiers Radio Show, Part 1 (MP3:82Mb)
- Listen to Street Soldiers Radio Show, Part 2 (MP3:85Mb)
The Omega Boys Club Institute is also sponsoring a conference. Read the brochure and get details about the June 25th & 27th conference.
Lt. Richard Saito presented on the San Jose effort. His PowerPoint presentation can be viewed below.
- City of San Jose: PowerPoint, Mayor's Gang Prevention Task Force
Lt. Garza and Maggie Navarro made a compelling presentation of the Fresno Operation Bull Dog Initiative .
It was an honor to have Mayor Patrick Morris present Operation Phoenix to the conference. The detailed slides can be viewed below.
- Operation Phoenix, San Bernardino: PowerPoint: 46Mb (PDF)
Anthony Braga, Ph.D. is Senior Research Associate and Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. His research focuses on working with criminal justice agencies to develop crime prevention strategies to deal with urban problems such as firearms violence, street-level drug markets, and violent crime hot spots. You can listen to an interview at the Kennedy School Web site.