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Ethics Commission

Stipulations and Orders

The Ethics Commission resolves its enforcement actions in a variety of ways, including issuing enforcement orders following administrative hearings, negotiating the terms of stipulated settlements, and concluding minor cases through streamlined programs.


The Commission staff and respondent may resolve an enforcement matter through a negotiated settlement, which typically involves the payment of a monetary penalty to the City's General Fund. All stipulations are submitted to the Ethics Commission for approval.

Date Violation Case Name Case Number
Money Laundering Amir Iravani 2013-17
Money Laundering Milan Bakic 2013-25 (MB)
Money Laundering Ryan Zylius 2013-25 (RZ)
Money Laundering Cheryl Nichols 2013-25 (CN)
Lobbying Disclosure AMSOLAR International, Inc. 2014-31
Lobbying Disclosure M.W. Steele Group 2014-28
Campaign Advertising Sarah Boot 2014-23
Money Laundering Richard Ahumada 2013-26 (RA)
Money Laundering Olivia Falcone 2013-26 (OF)
Money Laundering Elliot Grossman 2013-26 (EG)
Money Laundering Sean Hughes 2013-26 (SH)
Money Laundering William Noon 2013-26 (WN)
Money Laundering Michael Pedace 2013-26 (MP)
Money Laundering Christopher Peterson 2013-26 (CP)
Money Laundering Maria Luisa Zarate Lajud 2013-26 (MZ)
Vendor Debt Barry Pollard 2013-45
Lobbying Disclosure San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council AFL-CIO 2013-46
Lobbying Disclosure San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce 2014-04
Money Laundering Marc Chase 2013-26 (MC)
Campaign Disclosure Anthony (Tony) Villafranca 2013-42

Administrative Enforcement Orders

In lieu of settling an enforcement matter, a respondent may elect to proceed to an administrative hearing for a determination regarding violations of the City's campaign, lobbying, or ethics laws. Following the hearing, the Commission may issue an Administrative Enforcement Order requiring the respondent to pay a monetary penalty to the City's General Fund.

Date Violation Case Name
04/20/16 money laundering Advantage Towing and Ayman Arekat (Case No. 2013-15): Administrative Enforcement Order; Resolution
07/13/12 campaign violations B.D. Howard (Case No. 2010-42): Administrative Enforcement Order; Resolution
08/16/10 conflict of interest Nancy Graham (Case No. 2008-54): Administrative Enforcement Order; Resolution
05/03/10 campaign disclosure Marti Emerald (Case No. 2008-73): Administrative Enforcement Order; Resolution
07/11/08 campaign violations Luis Acle (Case No. 2006-59): Administrative Enforcement Order; Resolution