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Environmental Services

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (EP³)

Graphic of EP3 Logo


Our purchasing choices affect our local environment, health and global community. We choose to make a difference!

On April 4, 2007, Administration Regulation 35.80 was issued, which requires City departments to consider products that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment compared to competing products that serve the same purpose. Characteristics of Environmentally Preferable Products (EPPs) include alternative energy sources, bio-based, biodegradable, compostable, high recycled content, low toxicity, low volatile organic compounds, pollution and waste reduction, recyclable, repairable, resource efficient and reusable.

The primary goal of EP³ is to promote the purchase of EPPs throughout City departments, fostering the practice of responsible purchasing choices that are cost-effective and reduce the impact of such purchases on public health and the environment.

EP³ is administered by the City of San Diego's Environmental Services and Purchasing & Contracting departments. This site provides information and resources on how to incorporate EP³ into the City of San Diego's purchasing practices and successfully implement A.R. 35.80 related to environmentally preferable purchasing. It includes the benefits of EPPs, citywide contracts offering EPPs, EPP product information, documents, tools and more.