Commercial Recycling
All businesses and institutional facilities in the City of San Diego must:
- Subscribe to recycling and organic waste recycling service.
- Provide recycling containers and signage.
- Provide recycling education to tenants, employees, customers and contractors.
Learn more about mandatory recycling requirements on our website.
Recycling Requirement Overview Handouts
- Business - Recycling Requirement Overview Handout English
- Negocios - Requisitos de Reciclaje Spanish/español
Your business must contract with a franchise hauler or certified recyclable material collector for recycling and organic waste recycling services.
PLEASE NOTE: While you are required to contract with the same franchise waste hauler for trash, recycling, and organic waste recycling, you may request additional recycling and organic waste services from a certified recyclable material collector if approved by your waste hauler.

Businesses must provide the appropriate recycling containers and collection service for recyclables in accordance with the Container and Signage Guidelines. Please check with your service provider or property manager for more details on accepted materials and collection schedule.
Recycling at work is just as essential as at home. The City Recycling Ordinance requires San Diego businesses to separate recyclables and organic waste from trash. Implementing a recycling program can reduce waste and even cut possible costs. Learn more about the City Recycling Ordinance and access resources to help your business establish an effective recycling and organic waste program.
Recycle Right
Ensure that recyclables are empty, dry and loose. These practices help keep the materials in the best condition to be recycled and reduce work hazards and machinery jams at the Material Recycling Facility.

Remove any remaining food or liquid from a recyclable item by lightly rinsing or wiping to remove any remaining residue.

Gently shake out excess moisture before placing it in a recycling container.

We recommend keeping recyclables loose in the bin and not using a plastic bag to contain them – plastic bags can jam the sorting machinery. If a plastic bag or liner is used, we recommend shaking the contents into the final collection bin and discarding or reusing the plastic bag. Please note: some waste haulers accept plastics bags.
Please note that the following items should NOT be disposed in the blue recycling container.
- Plastic bags, plastic film, plastic wrap
- Batteries
- Compact fluorescent lightbulbs
- Electronics
- Hazardous waste
- Chemicals
- Clothes/textiles
- Tanglers (hoses, hangers, wires, cords or rope)
- Sharps/needles
- Food or liquid
- Pet waste
- Paper napkins and paper towels
- Compostable and biodegradable plastics
- Diapers
You may find local recycling options for hard-to-recycle items like appliances, bulky items and electronics by visiting
Organic Waste Recycling

Businesses must provide the appropriate recycling containers and collection service for organic waste in accordance with the Container and Signage Guidelines. Please check with your service provider or property manager for more details on accepted materials and collection schedule.
Some businesses that only generate small amounts of organic waste may be eligible for a de minimis waiver (minimal generation waiver). Please visit here for more detail about eligibility and to apply.
Please note that the following items should NOT be disposed in the organic waste recycling container.
- Plastic containers
- “Compostable” plastics or bioplastics*
- Liquids
- Plastic bags and film
- Disposable gloves
- Disposable wipes
- Glass
- Pet waste
- Plant pots
- Dirt
- Rocks
- Bricks
- Plant tags
- Food labels and stickers
- Twist ties
Utensils or straws
*Check with your service provider to find out if this is accepted.
Trash to Landfill

Businesses should have the appropriate trash containers and collection service for items that cannot be recycled in accordance with the Container and Signage Guidelines. Please check with your service provider or property manager for more details on accepted materials and collection schedule.
Please note that the following items should NOT be disposed of in the trash container.
- Food scraps – use the organic waste recycling container.
- Yard trimmings – place in the organic waste recycling container.
- Recyclables (plastic, paper, cardboard, cartons, metal, glass) – place in the recycling container.
- Fluorescent and LED bulbs/lamps
- Mattresses and box springs*
- Furniture*
Hazardous Waste** (contains toxic materials, some may cause fires):
- Batteries
- Paint
- Medications
- Motor oil and oil filters
- Chemicals and cleaners
- Needles and syringes
- Propane and helium tanks
*For mattress, box spring, furniture, appliance and electronic waste recycling or disposal, check with your service provider or visit
***For Hazardous Waste disposal, please contact the Hazardous Materials Duty Specialist at 858-505-6880.
Edible Food Recovery from Businesses

California is working toward a 2025 goal to redirect and donate 20% of edible food to those in need. SB 1383 categorizes regulated food donors into two tiers that were required to start donating surplus edible food in 2022 and 2024 to food recovery organizations.
Commercial Edible Food Generators
Tier One Businesses - Effective Jan. 1, 2022
- Supermarkets with gross annual sales of $200,000 or more
- Grocery stores with a facility size of 10,000 square feet or more
- Foodservice providers
- Food distributors
- Wholesale food vendors
Tier Two Businesses - Effective Jan. 1, 2024
- Restaurants with 250 or more seats, or a total facility size equal to or greater than 5,000 square feet
- Hotel with an on-site food facility and 200 or more rooms
- Health facility with an on-site food facility and 100 or more beds
- Large venue
- Large event
- A state agency with a cafeteria with 250 or more seats or a total cafeteria facility size equal to or greater than 5,000 square feet
- A local education agency with an on-site food facility
Additional Resources for Commercial Edible Food Generators:
- Food recovery frequently asked questions
- Food Recovery Organization list – City of San Diego
- 2022 Food recovery requirements for Tier One businesses (English)
- 2022 Requisitos para la recuperación de alimentos para los negocios de Primer Nivel (español)
- 2022 Mga kinakailangan sa pagbabawi ng pagkain para sa mga negosyong Tier One (Tagalog)
- Các yêu cầu về thu hồi thực phẩm đối với các doanh nghiệp Cấp Một năm 2022 (Vietnamese)
Additional Resources
The Environmental Services Department can provide free help to set up or improve your recycling program, meet with you on-site to assess any space concerns, provide container recommendations and conduct recycling training presentations for your tenants, employees, or janitorial and custodial provider. Request assistance by contacting or 858-694-7000.
Learn more about the City of San Diego's Recycling Ordinance and Recycling Container & Signage Guidelines.
Learn more about the State SB 1383 organic waste recycling and edible food recovery requirements, current City of San Diego SB 1383 efforts, State AB 341 recycling requirements and State AB 1826 composting requirements.
Please note that your waste hauler can also provide signs for your property.
Organic Waste Recycle Sign
- Letrero de reciclaje de residious de comida (English and español)
- Sign ng pagre-recycle ng natirang pagkain (English and Tagalog)
- Dấu hiệu tái chế rác hữu cơ (English and Vietnamese)
Recycle Sign
- Letrero de reciclaje (English and español)
- Sign mag-recycle (English and Tagalog)
- Dấu hiệu tái chế (English and Vietnamese)
Landfill Trash Sign
- Letrero de basura (English and español)
- Sign para sa basura (English and Tagalog)
- Dấu hiệu thùng rác (English and Vietnamese)
Learn how your business will be impacted and how your business can recycle right.
Have Questions?
Get more information and assistance by contacting the Environmental Services Department at or 858-694-7000. For questions about your hauler service, schedule and accepted materials, please contact your waste hauler or property manager.