Lead Safety and Healthy Homes Program

The Lead Lawsuit Settlement
In July of 2019, after 16 years of vigorous litigation, a settlement was reached between 10 California jurisdictions and three paint manufacturers. ConAgra Grocery Products Co., NL Industries Inc. and Sherwin-Williams Company have agreed to pay into a multimillion-dollar fund to remove toxic lead paint hazards from residential properties. As a result, the San Diego Residential Lead Abatement Program (SDRLAP) was created. Learn more about SDRLAP.
Eliminating Lead Poisoning in San Diego
Childhood lead poisoning is the number one environmental health problem facing children today. Unlike many diseases, lead poisoning is entirely preventable. The Lead Safety and Healthy Homes Program serves as the primary liaison for connecting the community with resources to prevent lead poisoning. We are working with a collaboration of agencies dedicated towards eliminating childhood lead poisoning.
- If you plan on doing your own home renovation, first learn how to do the work correctly so you don't contaminate yourself or your household. Download a free copy of "Don't Spread Lead" in English, Spanish or Vietnamese.
- Lead Hazard Prevention and Control Ordinance - Notify the City of existing lead hazards (deteriorated paint or contractors not using lead safe work practices).
- Blood Lead Testing Clinics
- Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning
- Resources