Lead Poisoning Prevention Resources

EPA Certified Renovators & Training
- Contractors, Renovators and Painters may be required to be trained and certified when working on properties built prior to 1978. To learn more, visit the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Program website.
- Consumers should hire only EPA Certified Firms when hiring contractors that disturb painted surfaces on properties built prior to 1978. Locate a certified firm near you.
Information on Lead Hazards
- The California Department of Health Services Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch is a great resource for lead-poisoning prevention and has information on obtaining certifications for lead-related construction activities.
- The California Department of Public Health Services Food and Drug Branch has an alphabetical listing of candies with photographs that are known to contain lead.
- County of San Diego Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program provides services for poisoned children; individual and group presentations to parents; training for health care providers; training using the "finger stick method," which is a less invasive method to test for lead in children's blood.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - The HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes protects children and their families from lead poisoning. HUD develops lead-based paint regulations and offers lead-based-paint-hazards information via the Internet in the form of brochures and fact sheets featuring childhood lead screening guidance.
- The U.S Environmental Protection Agency National Lead Information Center has many free lead poisoning prevention booklets that are available by calling 800-424-LEAD (5323) or by going online.
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Visit the CDC website or call the National Lead Information Center at 800-424-LEAD (5323).
- The Environmental Health Coalition offers publications, fact sheets and reports on lead hazards and other toxic substances.
- Folleto del Programa de Comunidades Seguras Sin Plomo (PDF)
- EPA's Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right (PDF)
- EPA's Guia De Practicas Acreditadas Seguras Para Trabajar Con El Plomo Para Remodelar Correctamente (PDF)
- EPA's Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home (PDF)
- Proteja a Su Familia en Contra del Plomo en Su Casa (PDF)
- EPA's Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home (Vietnamese) (PDF)