Information Bulletins
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How to Obtain a Temporary Use Permit
This information bulletin provides guidance on the City of San Diego’s requirements for obtaining a Temporary Use Permit for certain uses, for limited time periods, in locations where the uses would not otherwise be allowed by the applicable zone. Regulations for Temporary Use Permits can be found in San Diego Municipal Code (SDMC) §123.0401.
How to Obtain a Temporary Use Permit
Information on what uses are allowed with a Temporary Use Permit
Wireless Communication Facilities (WCFs)
This Information Bulletin (IB) describes requirements for Wireless Communication Facilities (WCFs) citywide.
Submittal Requirements and Procedures Small-Cell Wireless Communication Facilities
This Information Bulletin (IB) describes requirements for Wireless Communication Facilities (WCFs) citywide.
Affordable, In-Fill Housing and Sustainable Buildings Expedite Program
This information bulletin (IB) describes the minimum submittal requirements and permit process for the Affordable, In-fill Housing and Sustainable Buildings Expedite Program (Expedite Program). The Expedite Program provides expedited discretionary and ministerial permit processing for all eligible affordable, in-fill housing and sustainable development permits and building projects (see Section III below).
Regulations Governing Condominium Conversions
Information on the process for converting existing rental apartment units into condominiums.
Permit Procedures for Shared Mobility Devices
This Information Bulletin describes the procedures for obtaining a permit to operate a Shared
Mobility Device within the public right of way in the City of San Diego.
How to Obtain a Permit for Private Grading
This Information Bulletin describes private grading and the process for obtaining a grading permit on private property where building construction is proposed. Private grading is a new process that involves grading plan review, grading permit issuance, and grading inspection by Development Services.
Requirements for Site Reconnaissance and Testing in Environmentally Sensitive Lands
Permitting process and minimum requirements for a ministerial grading permit (Process 1) for reconnaissance and testing on Environmentally Sensitive Lands.