Alvarado 2nd Extension Pipeline Project

The City of San Diego provides water to 1.4 million residents each and every day through hundreds of miles of pipelines, and these underground pipelines need maintenance and replacement as they reach the end of their lifespans. The Alvarado 2nd Extension Pipeline Project will extend and replace aging water pipelines to improve water reliability and distribution in San Diego, focusing on efficient water delivery to the City’s coastal communities.
Project Overview
The Alvarado 2nd Extension Pipeline Project includes the construction of approximately 10 miles of water mains in the Mission Valley and Mission Bay areas. New 24 and 48-inch transmission mains will be installed along Friars Road, between Interstate 805 (where it connects to the existing Alvarado Pipeline) and West Mission Bay Drive (where it connects to the recently installed Pacific Beach Pipeline). A new 36-inch transmission main branch will be installed at Napa Street for future connection to the Morena Pipeline, which will be constructed after this project. A new pressure reducing station will be installed near Friars Road in a City-owned parking lot. A 12-inch distribution main will be replaced along Sea World Drive, between Interstate 5 and West Mission Bay Drive. Additionally, a 16-inch distribution main will be replaced along Friars Road where it is parallel to the new Alvarado 2nd Pipeline transmission main.
Construction Schedule
Anticipated Start: 2024
Anticipated Completion: 2028
This project will require both nighttime and daytime construction at various stages. Stakeholders will be notified of any anticipated changes in the work schedule 7 days in advance via door hanger.
Nighttime construction is expected to take place on weekdays from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Daytime construction is expected to take place on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Informational Materials
Contact Us
For questions or concerns about the Alvarado 2nd Extension Pipeline Project, call the project hotline at 619-533-4199, email or submit your inquiry online to the CIP general inquiry page.