Bicycle Master Plan

Bicycle Master Plan Update - Starting in 2024!
The Bicycle Master Plan Update (BMPU) is a citywide effort that will result in an overarching update to the 2013 Bicycle Master Plan. The BMPU will refresh the City’s bicycle facility recommendations and prioritization of active transportation projects to meet the City’s Strategic Plan and Climate Action Plan goals with increased emphasis on equity and serving areas with the greatest needs.
Funding for this project is provided by Caltrans' Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant program.
Cataloging the Lived Riding Experience: Take the Survey! - Survey Closed Sept. 30, 2024
The City of San Diego just began an update to its Bicycle Master Plan. We are inviting you to share your lived riding experience to provide input and learn about the plan update. Click below to take the survey and learn more about the project. The survey closed on Sept. 30, 2024.
On this website, you'll find information about the project background, its timeline, a fact sheet and interactive tools so you can provide your input. These tools are:
- Interactive Feedback Map: Please use the map's markers to show us where you think the current bicycle system works, needs improvement or has barriers to using it.
- Interactive Trip Map: You can also show us where you typically begin and end your bike rides so that we get a sense of the journeys you're making.
- Quick Online Surveys: Respond to these quick surveys so that we can learn more about you, your bicycle use, and your perspective on the City’s bicycle infrastructure.
Why Does the Bicycle Master Plan Update Matter to My Community?
The City of San Diego is committed to encouraging and improving the cycling experience throughout the City as demonstrated by these commitments:
- The City's groundbreaking Climate Action Plan, adopted in 2015 and updated in 2022, has a goal of 10% bicycle mode share by 2035 for all daily trips.
- Multiple Community Plan Updates that have focused on robust active transportation networks build upon and exceed the 2013 Bicycle Master Plan recommendations.
- The City's street resurfacing program installs improved bike facilities while improving roadway conditions.
The BMPU will be an essential component of the Mobility Master Plan which will serve as the framework for all mobility improvements within the City of San Diego.
Join the 2024 BMPU mailing list to get notifications of:
- Outreach events.
- Opportunities to provide comments/input.
- Project materials.
- More information related to the BMPU.
2013 Bicycle Master Plan
The City of San Diego's 2013 Bicycle Master Plan provides a framework for making cycling a more practical and convenient transportation option for a wide variety of San Diegans with different riding purposes and skill levels. The plan update is built upon the 2002 Bicycle Master Plan so that it reflects changes in bicycle user needs and changes to the City’s bicycle network and overall infrastructure.
- Full version - December 2013
- Maps of Proposed Bicycle Network
- Maps of Proposed High-Priority Projects
- Appendices
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