
Domestic Violence

Domestic violence refers to a pattern of abusive behaviors used by one person in an intimate relationship to gain power and control over the other person. It involves a range of behaviors that can be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial, or spiritual in nature. Domestic violence can occur between current or former spouses, dating partners, individuals who share a household and are in an intimate relationship, or for those who have certain familial relationships.

The abusive behaviors in domestic violence may include physical assault, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, manipulation, verbal insults, humiliation, economic control, coercion, and other harmful actions. It is important to note that domestic violence is not limited to physical violence; it can also involve non-physical forms of abuse that aim to exert control and instill fear in the survivor.

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects individuals of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and religious beliefs. It has profound and long-lasting impacts on the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of the survivors. Recognizing and addressing domestic violence is crucial to supporting survivors and promoting a safe and healthy environment for all individuals.

It is important to recognize that nobody deserves to endure any form of abuse, regardless of the circumstances.

Are you in an abusive relationship? Ask yourself:

  • Are you ever afraid to go home?
  • Do you live in fear of your partner?
  • Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells in your relationship?
  • Has your partner threatened to harm you, your children, your pets, or someone you love?
  • Has your partner ever blamed you for their violent behavior?
  • Has your partner threatened you or your family members with a gun?

If you answered yes to any of these, please call Your Safe Place today:

(619) 533-6000. If you are concerned about your immediate safety, please call 911.


What to do if you are in an abusive relationship

Safety planning is an essential tool for those experiencing violence to stay safe and take steps towards ending the abuse. Your Safe Place Client Care Coordinators will work with clients to develop an individualized safety plan. Domestic Assault Forensic Exams are also available at Your Safe Place for certain clients working with law enforcement.

How to keep safe from unhealthy and abusive relationships

  • High friendship quality
  • Social support (i.e., participating in groups that interest you, clubs, sports, music, art, etc.)
  • Community support (i.e., trusted teacher, coach, guidance counselor who can provide support and willing to intervene for the common good)
  • Coordination of resources and services among community agencies (i.e., school counselors)

Family Violence

Family violence refers to abusive behaviors that occur within family or domestic relationships. It involves acts of violence, control, and intimidation directed towards family members, including spouses, children, stepparents, siblings, grandparents, daughters-in-law, and other relatives.  PDF icon Consanguinity and Affinity Chart

Family violence can take various forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial, and verbal abuse. It is characterized by a pattern of power and control, where one family member uses abusive tactics to dominate and manipulate others. The abusive behaviors may include physical assault, sexual coercion, emotional manipulation, financial control, threats, intimidation, isolation, and verbal degradation.

The impact of family violence is profound, particularly because the abuse is caused by a trusted person.  Family violence can have long-lasting effects on the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of those involved. It can create a climate of fear, undermine trust, and disrupt the overall functioning of the family unit. It is important to recognize that family violence is not limited to specific demographics and can occur across all socio-economic, cultural, and educational backgrounds.

Addressing family violence requires a comprehensive approach that includes prevention, intervention, and support services. It involves promoting awareness, providing resources, and implementing strategies to break the cycle of abuse, protect survivors, and foster healthier and safer family dynamics.

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, Your Safe Place can help. Call today and speak with a Client Care Coordinator.

Offender’s Jail Status

At Your Safe Place, we believe in empowering our clients with the resources they need to thrive. One crucial resource is VINE, the nation’s leading victim notification network. Here’s why access to this resource is vital for our clients:

Timely Information: VINE provides free, timely updates about changes in an offender’s jail (also called custody) status. VINE helps keep our clients informed of an offender’s release from jail so our clients can plan their next steps accordingly.

Enhanced Safety: Knowing the custody status of an offender can provide a significant sense of security to survivors. With VINE, our clients can receive alerts if there are any changes, such as release, transfer, or escape, allowing our clients to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

Ways to access: is the online portal for VINE. 1-866-277-7477 Toll-free phone support from the Appriss Customer First Center is available 24/7/365 for callers who need help locating an offender, registering for notifications, or accessing victim services in their area.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault refers to any non-consensual sexual act or behavior in which a person is forced, coerced, or manipulated into engaging in sexual activity against their will. It is a form of sexual violence and may be considered a criminal offense.

Sexual assault can take various forms, including but not limited to:

  1. Rape: Forced penetration, either vaginal, anal, or oral, without the other person's consent.
  2. Fondling or groping: Non-consensual touching or groping of intimate body parts.
  3. Sexual coercion: Pressuring or manipulating someone into engaging in sexual acts against their will.
  4. Sexual harassment: Unwanted sexual advances, comments, or behaviors that create a hostile or intimidating environment.
  5. Non-consensual sharing of explicit images: Distributing or posting explicit images or videos of someone without their consent, also known as "revenge porn."

It is important to note that sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or relationship to the perpetrator. Perpetrators can be strangers, but most often are acquaintances, partners, or family members.

Sexual assault is a traumatic experience that can have severe and long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological consequences for the survivor. It is important to support survivors, provide them with resources and access to medical care, and work towards preventing sexual violence through education, awareness, and legal measures.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, Your Safe Place can help. Call today and speak with a Client Care Coordinator.  Client Care Coordinators can help with safety planning and supportive services.  Participating and Non-participating Sexual Assault Forensic Exams are also available at Your Safe Place for certain clients working with law enforcement.

In 2021, the State of California passed Senate Bill 215, which requires law enforcement to provide survivors of sexual assault with information about the progress of their sexual assault kit through the testing process.

Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights


San Diego Police Department

To fulfill this requirement, the San Diego Police Department offers a Victim Portal, a secure website that allows survivors to track the progress of their sexual assault kits anonymously and securely. The portal is available for sexual assault kits that were administered after July 1, 2022.

Watch video about the Victim Portal

If you've lost your kit number provided to you by the hospital, you can contact Palomar Health at 760-739-2150.


San Diego County Sheriff’s Department

If you were the victim of a sexual assault and you are interested in knowing the location and status of the DNA test related to your kit, please visit

The Sheriff's Department can also connect you with an investigator.

Call (858) 514-4661 or email 

When you call the number or send an e-mail, please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name at the time of the assault
  • Your contact information (phone number or e-mail address)
  • Jurisdiction (city) where the crime took place
  • The date or approximate date of the incident
  • A case number (if you know it, or other case identifiers)

All information provided to the Sheriff’s Department is confidential and will only be used to locate your case and continue any follow-up related to that case.

Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery involving the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It is a grave violation of human rights and a serious criminal offense.

In sex trafficking situations, people are forced or coerced into engaging in commercial sex acts against their will. They may be subjected to physical and psychological abuse, threats, deception, manipulation, and control by traffickers. The traffickers exploit their vulnerability, often targeting individuals who are economically-disadvantaged, marginalized, or lacking social support systems.

Sex trafficking can involve various forms of exploitation, including prostitution, pornography, online sexual exploitation, and forced participation in the sex industry. Victims may be transported across borders or within the same country, and they are often isolated, controlled, and prevented from seeking help.

Sex trafficking is a global issue that affects individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, and backgrounds.

Potential red flags for sex trafficking include:

  • Coercion and control: The individual shows signs of being controlled or influenced by someone else, such as being constantly accompanied by someone who appears to exert control over them or being unable to speak or make decisions independently.
  • Restricted freedom of movement: The person may be closely monitored, have limited access to identification or personal documents, or be unable to freely come and go as they please.
  • Inability to communicate freely: The individual may appear fearful, anxious, or unable to speak openly. They may be accompanied by someone who answers questions on their behalf or prevents them from speaking for themselves. They may not have access to a phone, computer, or any other means of contacting others.
  • Signs of physical abuse or neglect: Visible signs of physical injuries, malnourishment, exhaustion, or untreated health issues may be present. They may also lack access to medical care or have inadequate living conditions.
  • Inconsistent or scripted stories: Their stories or explanations may be inconsistent, vague, or rehearsed, potentially indicating they have been coached or pressured to give certain responses.
  • Presence of branding or tattoos: Some traffickers use tattoos or branding as a means of control or identification to assert ownership over their victims.
  • Financial control: The person may have no control over their own money, appear to be financially exploited, or have all their earnings taken away by someone else.
  • Isolation and restricted social interaction: The individual may have limited contact with others, lack social connections, or display signs of fear or anxiety when interacting with strangers.
  • Age-inappropriate relationships: The person may be involved in a relationship with a significantly older individual, particularly if there are signs of manipulation or control.

It is important to approach potential trafficking situations with care and sensitivity. If you suspect you may be experiencing sex trafficking, contact Your Safe Place at (619) 533-6000. Sexual assault forensic exams are available at YSP.  If you are concerned about your immediate safety, please call 911.

Older and Dependent Adult Abuse

Older and dependent adult abuse occurs when someone in a position of trust mistreats or harms an older or dependent adult, typically aged 60 or older. This abuse can involve actions or neglect that cause physical, emotional, or sexual harm, as well as abandonment or financial exploitation.

Forms of Older and Dependent Adult Abuse
•    Physical abuse: Inflicting pain or injury through hitting, pushing, restraining, or using excessive force.
•    Emotional or psychological abuse: Causing distress through intimidation, humiliation, threats, insults, or isolation.
•    Financial abuse: Exploiting finances through theft, fraud, coercion, or unauthorized control over assets.
•    Sexual abuse: Any non-consensual sexual activity, including coercion or forced participation in sexual acts.
•    Neglect: Failing to provide basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, or hygiene. This may include restricting mobility, leaving individuals stranded, or taking away assistive devices.
•    Abandonment: Leaving an older or dependent adult alone without necessary care or support.
Older and dependent adult abuse can occur in private homes, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or at the hands of trusted individuals such as family members or caregivers.

Recognizing and Reporting Abuse
Detecting abuse can be difficult, as survivors may hesitate to report it due to fear, isolation, or cognitive impairment. It is crucial for family members, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to stay vigilant, and report suspected cases to the appropriate authorities. Raising awareness and taking action helps protect the rights and well-being of older and dependent adults. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, Your Safe Place can help. Call today to speak with a Client Care Coordinator.

Gun Violence

The presence of a gun in domestic violence situations increases the risk of homicide by 500 percent.  A Gun Violence Restraining Order removes firearms from dangerous situations before a tragedy occurs.  Your Safe Place protects clients by referring their cases to the on-site Gun Violence Response Unit (GVRU).  The GVRU can assist with obtaining a Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO), where appropriate.  A GVRO can prevent a person from owning or possessing a firearm.

Free Gun Violence consults Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM. For more information, contact: (619) 533-6000.


Strangulation is a deadly form of domestic violence and sexual assault. It involves compressing the neck to restrict air flow and blood flow to the brain. Strangulation can be done using hands or other objects like ropes or belts. Unlike choking, which blocks the internal airway, strangulation applies external force to the neck. It can cause unconsciousness in seconds and death in 3 to 5 minutes.

Strangulation often leaves no visible, external injuries but can lead to internal injuries that may not show up immediately and may be life-threatening. Previous strangulation is a strong predictor of future violence, including homicide.

Signs and symptoms of strangulation may vary depending on the severity and duration of the incident. Here are some common signs and symptoms that may be observed:

  1. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  2. Hoarse voice or changes in vocal quality
  3. Coughing or wheezing
  4. Neck pain or tenderness
  5. Difficulty swallowing
  6. Facial or tongue swelling
  7. Bruising or red marks around the neck
  8. Loss of consciousness or fainting
  9. Memory loss or confusion
  10. Headaches
  11. Nausea or vomiting
  12. Changes in vision, such as blurry vision or seeing spots
  13. Difficulty speaking or slurred speech
  14. Changes in behavior or mood, such as agitation or irritability
  15. Fatigue or weakness

It is important to note that some symptoms may not immediately appear and could manifest later, even up to months or years after the strangulation incident. If you suspect someone has been strangled, it is crucial to seek prompt medical attention, as internal injuries may not be readily visible but can be life-threatening. Forensic exams for those who have been strangled are available through law enforcement at YSP.

If you suspect strangulation, contact Your Safe Place at (619) 533-6000. If you are concerned about your immediate safety, please call 911.

Marsy's Law

Are you a victim of a crime? Marsy's Law provides victims of crime a comprehensive set of rights within the justice system. Here are specific ways Marsy's Law can help:

Privacy and Dignity: Victims are entitled to be treated with fairness and respect for their privacy and dignity, free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse throughout the criminal or juvenile justice process.

Protection Measures: The law ensures that victims are reasonably protected from the accused and anyone acting on their behalf. It also considers the safety of the victim and their family when determining bail and release conditions for the accused.

Confidentiality: Marsy's Law safeguards victims by preventing the disclosure of information that could be used to locate or harass them or their family, including communications made during medical or counseling treatment.

Communication with Prosecutors: Upon request, victims have the right to confer with the prosecuting agency about the case's developments and disposition.

Participation in Proceedings: Upon request, victims have the right to reasonable notice of certain public proceedings and to be heard at any proceeding involving a post-arrest or conviction release decision, plea, sentencing, or any proceeding where a victim's right is at issue.

Speedy Trial: A victim has the right to a speedy trial and a prompt and final conclusion of the case and any related post-judgment proceedings.

Impact on Sentencing: Victims may provide information concerning the impact of the crime on them and their family, as well as the impact of any sentencing recommendations, to a probation department official conducting a pre-sentence investigation, before the defendant is sentenced.

To learn about all your Marsy’s Law rights go to:

For additional information or assistance, contact Your Safe Place. These rights are designed to empower victims, ensuring they have a voice and are protected throughout the legal process following a crime incident. Call today and speak with a Client Care Coordinator.

Your Safe Place: 619-533-6000
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Walk-In Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1122 Broadway, 2nd Floor, San Diego, CA 92101

If this is an Emergency, please call 911

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