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Commission on the Status of Women

About the Commission

Duties and Functions

The Commission shall: 

  1. Maintain an active liaison with citizen groups interested in the problems facing women. 
  2. Find new ways of promoting awareness of the changing life patterns, opportunities and responsibilities of women today. 
  3. Investigate problems and recommend programs that will provide women in the San Diego area with a greater opportunity and ability to pursue alternative lifestyles without discrimination. Such programs may include but shall not be limited to: (A) The establishment and expansion of child care services. (B) Discrimination against single, divorced and widowed women when applying for credit. (C) Scarcity of adequate housing, especially for divorced women with children. (D) Discrimination based on marital status should not be a proper concern for most employers, potential creditors, landlords, etc. (E) Programs to retrain women who wish to pursue new careers. (F) Special problems of safety for women who live alone. (G) Special problems of the elderly woman living alone. (H) Determine the availability of assistance to the mother raising children alone in dealing with problems of drugs, delinquency, etc. 
  4. Advise the Mayor and Council of the needs and problems of the women in the San Diego area.
  5. Suggest to the Mayor and Council methods through which any existing inequities in pay and job opportunities between men and women can be alleviated.
  6. Perform other studies and surveys on the status of women as may be specifically requested by the Mayor and Council and provide information and advice thereon.
  7. Submit an annual report to the Council at the end of each fiscal year.