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Laurence Monroe Klauber

Laurence Monroe Klauber

Laurence Monroe Klauber(1883-1968) was a herpetologist and the foremost authority on rattlesnakes in the 20th century. Klauber's most significant achievement is his two-volume work, "Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind," published in 1956. This comprehensive study, considered a definitive resource on rattlesnakes, meticulously documented over 50 species, delving into their behavior, habitats, and venomous properties. He served as consulting curator of reptiles for the San Diego Zoo from 1923. He donated approximately 36,000 herpetological specimens to the San Diego Natural History Museum, including a rattlesnake collection of over 8,600 specimens. After his death, his extensive personal library and field notes were donated to the San Diego Natural History Museum Research Library. In addition, Klauber has also achieved success as an entrepreneur. He dedicated many years of service to the San Diego Gas & Electric Company and held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Klauber also conducted research in mathematics and made significant contributions to the study of prime number distribution. He demonstrated exceptional expertise in a wide range of fields.


1. Photographs of Laurence Monroe Klauber: 

Laurence Monroe Klauber Laurence Monroe Klauber
Laurence Monroe KlauberLaurence Monroe Klauber
Laurence Monroe Klauber
Laurence Monroe Klauber

2. Documents & Newspaper: 

3. Additional Resource:

For Elementary School Students in Grade 4-6


  1. Analyze a Photograph         2.  Analyze a Document

Lesson Objectives:

  • Students will learn about the life and contributions of Laurence Monroe Klauber, a herpetologist and naturalist.
  • Students will develop an appreciation for scientific research and conservation efforts.

Lesson Preparation:

  • Biographical information about Laurence Monroe Klauber (Recommend Resource)
  • Worksheet with questions for analyzing photograph and document

Lesson Procedure:

  • Step 1: Begin by displaying pictures of various snakes and reptiles. Ask students if they know any interesting facts about snakes. Explain today they will be learning about a famous herpetologist named Laurence Monroe Klauber. And engage students by asking what they think a herpetologist does and why studying reptiles is important.

  • Step 2: Share a brief overview of Klauber's life and accomplishments, emphasizing his passion for snakes and reptiles. Discuss his significant work, "Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind," and explain its importance in the field of herpetology. And highlight Klauber's contributions to scientific research and conservation efforts, emphasizing his efforts to educate people about snakes. (Recommend Resource)

  • Step 3: Facilitate a group discussion by asking students what they find interesting about Klauber's work and why studying snakes is important for the environment. Encourage students to share any personal experiences or encounters they may have had with snakes or reptiles.


Summarize the main points covered during the lesson, highlighting Klauber's contributions and the importance of snakes in nature. Ask students to reflect on what they have learned and how it has changed their perception of snakes and reptiles.