What is a Vanpool?
A vanpool is a method of commuting to and from work in which a group of coworkers rides together daily in a van/SUV provided by Enterprise, and the vanpool participants split the expenses. Sharing a commute helps you save money, and it’s good for the environment. City employees can arrange for a vanpool directly through Commute with Enterprise. The City subsidizes the cost of the vanpool for eligible participants.
What is the City’s Vanpool Subsidy Program?
The City will provide reimbursement through payroll for the following monthly expenses associated with using a vanpool:
- MEA, DCAA, and Local 911 employees: subsidized at 90%, subject to the $100 monthly reimbursement cap.
- All other employees: subsidized at 75%, subject to the $100 monthly reimbursement cap.
Who is eligible for the Vanpool Subsidy Program?
City employees are eligible for the vanpool subsidy program if they join a City-approved vanpool and commute to work at least three days each week in a vanpool.
Vanpool reimbursement is not available to employees who have payroll deductions for monthly parking (except for driver of vanpool).
Where can I find more information about Commute with Enterprise?
To learn more, visit the Commute with Enterprise webpage, where you will find an informational video and answers to frequently asked questions. You can also contact the City’s Enterprise Vanpool Coordinator, Daniel Sigala, at or 909-635-8350.
How can I start a Vanpool?
To join or start a vanpool with your coworkers, access the Commute with Enterprise webpage and select the “join a commute” button. Follow the application steps and Enterprise with assist you with the rest.
How to Submit a Monthly Vanpool Reimbursement Request
Every vanpool group will have a designated vanpool coordinator who is responsible for organizing the roster and tracking the rides. All other riders will be considered the vanpool participants.
The vanpool coordinator and participants must submit the following forms by the 15th of the month in order to receive a reimbursement for the month prior (i.e., submit by Feb. 15 for January).
- The Vanpool Coordinator must submit the following three forms for reimbursement each month:
- Each Vanpool Participant must submit the following form for reimbursement each month:
Once the vanpool coordinator and all participants submit the required forms, your reimbursement will be processed for the next available pay period (please allow approximately two weeks, depending on the timing that all participants submit the required forms).