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Reservoirs and Lakes

San Vicente Reservoir

Hours of Operation

San Vicente Reservoir is closed on the second Friday of each month. More info about closure

Winter Schedule


Monday, Thursday and Friday
1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset
Fishing and general boating, no water contact activities.

Saturday and Sunday
1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset
Fishing, general boating and water contact (water-skiing, wakeboarding, etc.)

Tuesday and Wednesday

Summer Schedule


Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset
Fishing, general boating and water contact (water-skiing, wakeboarding, etc.)

1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset
Fishing and general boating, no water contact activities.

Tuesday and Wednesday

Holiday Schedule:

OPEN - Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day

CLOSED - Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day


Water Activities, including:

  • Boats
  • Canoes
  • Row Boats
  • Three-seater Personal Watercraft (must be towing a water skier, wakeboard or tube only). Three-seater Personal Watercraft are not allowed to operate independently; they must tow a water skier, wakeboard, or tube device that meets the required safety standards. Single—or two-seat Personal Watercraft are not allowed.
  • Kayaks
  • Waterskiing
  • Wakeboarding
  • Float Tubes


Leashed Dogs

Picnic Tables

Barbecue Areas
Gas barbecues are allowed in designated areas


No Stand-Up Paddleboards

No Swimming

No Wading

No Dogs Allowed on Boats

No Camping

No Glass Containers

No Littering

No Fish Cleaning Stations



What you'll find here...


Largemouth Bass on white background
Largemouth Bass

Sunfish on white background

Catfish on white background

Crappie on white background

Carp on white background

Permits and Fees

Anglers 16 years of age or older must have a valid California fishing license. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Freshwater Sport regulations and City regulations are strictly enforced.


General Admission (includes fishing permit)
Each person 8 years or older will be charged a general admission to enter the reservoir property, even if not fishing or skiing.
No Water Contact
Adults (ages 16 to 65 years)$11 per person
Youth (ages 8 to 15 years)
Children 7 years and under are free.
$4 per person
Seniors (ages 65 years and older)$6 per person
With Water Contact
Water-skiing, tubing, personal watercraft
Adults (ages 16 years and older)$11 per person
Youth (ages 8 to 15 years)
Children 7 years and under are free.
$6 per person
Additional Fees

Private Boating and Watercraft

  • Kayaks and Canoes are included with general admission
$11 per boat/craft
Boat and Kayak Rental Fees

About San Vicente Reservoir

San Vicente Dam was originally constructed in 1943. In 2016, a project to raise the dam by 117 feet was completed as part of the San Diego County Water Authority's Emergency and Carryover Storage Project. San Vicente is a deep, steep-sided impounding reservoir on San Vicente Creek, approximately 25 miles northeast of San Diego. It currently has a depth of 306feet when full. It is the largest of the City's reservoirs.

Learn about the proposed PDF icon San Vicente Energy Storage Project.

Photo courtesy of