Redistricting Commission
On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, the Commission voted (7-2) toapprovethe final map which can be reviewedin Map 92973. On January 20, 2022, the Commission concluded its work and per the City Charter, dissolved until the next federal decennial census takes place in 2030. Although the Redistricting Commission website will stay up, no additional updates will be provided.

Redistricting Commission meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 3 p.m.
The public may view themeetings at their scheduled time onZoom.
TheCity Charter requires the creation of a Redistricting Commission at the beginning of each decade, after the U.S. Census, to adopt plans which specify the boundaries of districts for the City Council. This process takes place independently of the City Council and Mayors Office.
Districts must be comprised of contiguous territory and made as equal in population as shown by the Census reports, and as geographically compact as possible. It also requires that the districts shall, as far as possible, be bounded by natural boundaries, street lines, and/or City boundary lines.
The Charter requires that the districts be drawn to provide fair and effective representation for all citizens of the City, including racial, ethnic, and language minorities. Additionally, to the extent possible, they preserve identifiable communities of interest. The redrawing of district boundaries is designed to ensure local legislatures are representative of the Citys diverse population.