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Department of Race and Equity

Equity Centered Coaching

Training with the Race and Equity Department, led by Lisa Ann Kim. There are many people in attendance, watching attentively.

What is Equity Centered Coaching (ECC)? 

Equity Centered Coaching is a strategy and action-driven method that will support City departments and offices in their advancement of equity within and throughout the City of San Diego. Race & Equity Coaches partner with departments to apply an equity lens to current and future operations, policies, procedures, and budgetary decisions; this includes city processes like the Tactical Equity Plans and Budget Equity. 

The role of a Race & Equity coach is to listen to the department's needs, understand the context, and ultimately focus on priority areas and disparities that need to be addressed.


What type of Equity Centered Coaching is offered? 

The type of coaching includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Strategic Planning 

  • Hiring and Contracting

  • Operating Policy and Procedures

  • Budgeting