Tech Help, Hotspots, and Chromebooks

Digital Navigators
The Digital Navigator Program offers free, one-on-one assistance to help San Diegans obtain low-cost computers, sign up for affordable internet service, improve their computer skills or get basic tech support. Call 1-800-350-6945 to get help by phone or schedule an in-person appointment.
February Digital Navigator schedule
March Digital Navigator schedule
Tech on the Go
A new mobile digital literacy program – Tech on the Go – is offering free in-person classes for any San Diegan who wants to learn how to use a computer and better navigate the internet. Classes are held at libraries and community centers and open to people of all skill levels. Check out the schedule and register for a class!
February Tech on the Go schedule
March Tech on the Go schedule
Mobile Hotspots & Chromebooks
Hotspot Use Agreement (English online form)
Hotspot Use Agreement (Spanish online form)
Chromebook Use Agreement (English online form)
Chromebook Use Agreement (Spanish online form)
Hotspot Guides

Netgear AirCard 797S Hotspot
Quick Start Guide
Troubleshooting Guide AT&T User Manual

Netgear Nighthawk M6 Pro Hotspot
Quick Start Guide
Troubleshooting Guide

Franklin A10 Hotspots
Quick Start Guide
Chromebook Guides
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact the Digital Navigator Helpline at 1-800-350-6945 for assistance. A Digital Navigator will follow up with you to inform you whether the service has been reactivated or if you need to return the hotspot to the library.
Please note: Hotspot service may be suspended (disconnected) if the device is lost, overdue, or unused for 30 days.
Please report the incident to the library where the device was borrowed. You may still be responsible for the full replacement cost and your library privileges will be suspended until resolved.
Can I reserve a hotspot?
Please contact the library where the device(s) were borrowed, and file a police report if a device was stolen.
Can I reserve a Chromebook kit?
Internet Portátil Gratis

Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Cuales son las bibliotecas participantes?
Los 36 surcusales de la Biblioteca Pública de San Diego.