Become a Pool Guard or Recreation Aide

Pool Guard
We are now hiring year-round! Flexible hours around school and sports schedules! Advancement opportunities to full-time benefited Pool Guard and Pool Manager positions available. Must be at least 16 years old at time of application and no certification needed. Your next steps:
Apply here: Pool Guard 1 Application
The Personnel Department will give you information regarding the next skills and interview testing date, time, and location.
Hiring events are held monthly.
Read More - Pool Guard Training
Recreation Aide
If you are at least 15½ years old and would like train to be a lifeguard while providing customer service to the aquatics community, the Recreation Aide job is a perfect path forward. Hours are flexible and promotional opportunities are available. No skills tested at time of interview.
Apply here: Recreation Aide Application
You will receive notice regarding the interview time, date, location.
Interviews are held quarterly.