Historical Resources Board Agendas and Staff Reports
Agendas are posted 72 hours before the meeting.
Historical Resources Board May 18, 2012 Special Meeting Agenda on Plaza de Panama
- Special Meeting on Plaza de Panama Audio requires Windows Media Player
- Item 1 HRB-12-036
- Attachment 1 - Report to Planning Commission dated April 26, 2012
- Attachment 2 - Proposed Amendments
- Balboa Park Master Plan
- Central Mesa Precise Plan
- Proposed Project Plans
- Attachment 3 - Select Sheets from the Project Plans
- Attachment 4 - Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 233958 (SCH No. 2011031074)
- Attachment 5 - Historic Resources Technical Report
- Attachment 6 - Site Development Permit No. 482374
- Attachment 7 - Draft Final Resolution for Site Development Permit No. 482374
- Item 1 National Park Service Letter
Historical Resources Board March 22, 2012 Meeting Agenda
- March Audio (requires Windows Media Player)
- March PowerPoint Presentation
- Item 5 HRB-12-009
- Item 6 HRB-12-010
- Item 7 HRB-12-011
- Item 8 HRB-12-012
- Item 9 HRB-12-013
- Item 10 HRB-12-014
- Item 11 HRB-12-008
- Item 12 HRB-12-022
- Item 13 HRB-12-017
- Item 14 HRB-12-018
- Item 15 HRB-12-021
- Item 16 HRB-12-019
- Item 17 HRB-12-020
- Item 18 HRB-12-023
Historical Resources Board February 8, 2012 Special Site Tour and Workshop Meeting Agenda
**Special Site Tour and Workshop Agenda**
- Special Workshop Audio (requires Windows Media Player)
Historical Resources Board January 26, 2012 Meeting Agenda
- January Audio (requires Windows Media Player)
- January PowerPoint Presentation
- Item 5 Staff memo dated January 12, 2012 and HRB 11-065
- Item 6 HRB-12-001
- Item 7 HRB-12-008
- Item 8 HRB-12-002
- Item 9 HRB-12-003
- Item 10 HRB-12-004
- Item 11 HRB-12-006
- Item 12 HRB-12-007
Historical Resources Board November 18, 2011 Meeting Agenda
- November Audio (requires Windows Media Player)
- November PowerPoint Presentation
- Item 5 HRB-11-073
- Item 6 HRB-11-074
- Item 7 HRB-11-069
- Item 8 HRB-11-075
Historical Resources Board October 27, 2011 Meeting Agenda
- October Audio (requires Windows Media Player)
- October PowerPoint Presentation
- Item 6 HRB-11-065
- Item 7 HRB-11-066
- Item 8 HRB-11-067
- Item 9 HRB-11-068
- Item 10 HRB-11-070
- Item 11 HRB-11-071
- Item 12 HRB-11-072
- Item 13 CCDC report
- Item 14 Staff memo dated October 14, 2011 and HRB-11-057
Historical Resources Board September 22, 2011 Meeting Agenda
- September PowerPoint Presentation
- Item 5 Staff memo dated August 11, 2011, Staff memo dated April 14, 2011 and HRB 11-003
- Item 6 HRB-11-051
- Item 7 HRB-11-052
- Item 8 HRB-11-053
- Item 9 HRB-11-054
- Item 10 Staff memo dated September 8, 2011 and HRB-11-055
- Item 11 HRB-11-056
- Item 12 HRB-11-057
- Item 13 HRB-11-058
- Item 14 HRB-11-059
- Item 15 HRB-11-060
- Item 16 HRB-11-061
- Item 17 HRB-11-062
- Item 18 HRB-11-063
- Item 19 HRB-11-064
Historical Resources Board August 25, 2011 Meeting Agenda - Meeting is Adjourned
**Meeting was adjourned due to the lack of a quorum, all items are trailed to the September 22, 2011 agenda**
Historical Resources Board January 28, 2011 Meeting Agenda
- Information Item A
- Information Item B
- Item 5 HRB-11-003
- Item 6 HRB-11-005
- Item 7 HRB-11-006
Historical Resources Board March 12, 2010 Revised Board Training Meeting Agenda
**PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE ** Training will be held in the Ballroom at the Balboa Park Club