The Paseo

Paseo may serve the University and College area.
This project is adjacent to the San Diego State University campus along Montezuma Road, Campanile Drive, and on both sides of College Avenue. It has the potential to serve both the university and the College Area communities. Some of the highlights include:
- The project exhibits an excellent integration of many types of uses including retail, entertainment, civic plazas, parks and classrooms. It will include 461 student housing units.
- The Foundation will institute a program to set aside 25 percent of the beds for low-income students and provide apartment rent rates subject to approval by SDSU, the Housing Commission and the Redevelopment Agency. The Foundation also is pursuing the potential of setting aside affordable housing for qualified campus employees.
- The site planning was predicated on providing transit access and enhancing walkability. The project is contiguous to the SDSU trolley station and bus transit center (under construction and anticipated to open in 2005), a major component of the Transit First Demonstration Project.
Site Description (PDF)
Vicinity Map (PDF)
Site Map 1 (PDF)
Site Map 2 (PDF)
Concept Drawing 1 (PDF)
Concept Drawing 2 (PDF)