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Parks & Recreation

PQ Comfort Station Penasquitos Creek Park Comfort Station Park

Project Background

The Penasquitos Creek Park Comfort Station Park project involves the creation and approval of a General Development Plan (GDP) for the existing park in Penasquitos Creek. The purpose is to amend the Penasquitos Creek Neighborhood Park GDP to design and construct a comfort station and the upgrades associated with its accessibility. As part of the GDP process, input is needed from the community.

Scope of Work

This project is to amend the General Development Plan through community engagement to Penasquitos Creek Neighborhood Park and includes the following:

•Design and construction of a comfort station and associated accessibility upgrades

The scope will be explored and finalized during the GDP process through community, Council Office, Parks & Recreation Department and other stakeholder engagement to determine exactly which of these park amenities, and potentially others, will be included. 

Recent & Upcoming Community Meetings

  • TBD - To be determined

Project Schedule

  • Community workshop process: TBD - To be determined.

  • Parks and Recreation Board consideration of GDP date: TBD - To be determined.

For more park project information, visit the Parks and Recreation Current Park Projects webpage.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns about the project, contact the Parks and Recreation Department through the Ask Parks Public Comment Form. Please reference "PQ Comfort Station Penasquitos Creek Park Comfort Station Park" in your inquiry.