Joint Use Facilities with School Districts

The City partners with multiple school and community college districts to provide joint use facilities for recreational purposes.
City of San Diego Joint Use Facilities Tracking Sheet
San Diego Unified School District
The City and San Diego Unified School District have been cooperating in the joint use of numerous recreational facilities since 1948. A list of the available joint use facilities including location, size, and amenities is available:
It is one of the largest joint use programs in the country and continues to grow with the ongoing implementation of the Play All Day Program, which plans to add over 45 new joint-use recreational facilities. The joint use program allows for the shared use of public facilities and resources. The program fills an essential gap in addressing the City’s need for more parkland and additional recreational opportunities in our communities, particularly in the older urbanized communities where there is little available land for new parks. The Program also advances the San Diego Unified School District’s goal to develop quality schools in every neighborhood that provide resources and support the needs of the communities that they serve.
MOU between City and SDUSD for the Development and Maintenance of Joint Use Facilities
Middle School Joint Use Field Programming Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns
Play All Day Program Resources:
Play All Day Parks Program Brochure
Play All Day Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns
Joint Use Field Closure Letters and Joint Use Field Hours Adjustment Letters:
San Diego Unified School District Public Portal
Access the San Diego Unified School District Public Portal which contains information on all major improvements planned at San Diego Unified schools. To find information on the implementation schedule for a future joint use field at a specific site, select the school name, and look in the graphic schedule for a project titled “Joint Use Field”.
San Diego Unified School District Joint Use Agreements
Joint Use Agreements are the written agreements between the City and a school district setting forth the terms and conditions for sharing the use of recreational facilities. The City and San Diego Unified School District are in the process of updating all of the Joint Use Agreements.
- Adams Elementary
- Alba Community Day School
- Angier Elementary
- Audubon (K-8)
- Barnard Elementary
- Cabrillo Elementary
- Challenger Middle School
- Chavez Elementary
- Clairemont Canyons Elementary (formerly Lindberg-Schweitzer)
- Clark Elementary
- Clark Middle School
- Creative Performing Media Arts Middle School
- Cubberley Elementary
- Curie Elementary
- Dana Middle School
- Dingeman Elementary
- E.B. Scripps Elementary
- Edison Elementary
- Emerson Elementary
- Encanto Elementary
- Ericson Elementary
- Farb Middle School
- Gage Elementary
- Garfield Elementary
- Hage Elementary
- Harriet Tubman Village Charter School
- Horton Elementary
- Innovation Middle School
- Jefferson Elementary
- Kimbrough Elementary
- King-Chavez Arts and Athletics
- Language Academy
- Linda Vista Elementary
- Marston Middle School
- Marvin Elementary
- Mission Bay High School
- Normal Heights Elementary
- Ocean Beach Elementary
- Pacific Beach Middle School
- Pacific View Leadership Elementary
- Paradise Hills Elementary
- Pershing Middle School
- Rolando Park Elementary
- Roosevelt Middle
- Rosa Parks Elementary
- Rowan Elementary
- Salk Elementary
- SCPA Middle (Penn Athletic Field)
- Sequoia Elementary
- Sherman Elementary
- Spreckels Elementary
- Standley Middle School
- Standley Middle School Aquatic Complex
- Taft Middle
- Wangenheim Middle and Walker Elementary
- Wegeforth Elementary
- Whitman Elementary
- Zamorano Elementary
Joint Use Facilities with Other School Districts
The City has joint use agreements for the shared use of recreational facilities with six other school districts and one community college district.