2010 Mission Bay Park Committee Meetings
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- December 7, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #201 (PDF) - Fiesta Island General Development Plan
- November 9, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #301 (PDF) - Fiesta Island Time Trails
- Attachment #302 (PDF) - Mermaid Run Half Marathon - Course - Run Start
- Attachment #302 (PDF) - Mermaid Run Half Marathon - Site Map
- Attachment #302 (PDF) - Mermaid Run Half Marathon - Impact and Narrative
- October 5, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #502 (PDF) - Rose Creek Bikeway and Pedestrian Bridge Project
- September 7, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #201-A, #201-B, and #201-C (PDF) - Sprint Clearwire Project at Hyatt Hotel
- Attachment #301 (PDF) - Bayfair - New Component
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Conservation Group Meeting Minutes - August 25, 2010
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Running Clubs Meeting Minutes - August 25, 2010
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Triathlon Clubs Meeting Minutes - August 20, 2010
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Fiesta Island Dog Owners Meeting Minutes - August 19, 2010
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Paddle Clubs Meeting Minutes - August 16, 2010
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Fiesta Island Workshop Item
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Boat Storage No Dock Option
- Attachment #401 (PDF) - Boat Storage with Dock Option
- August 3, 2010 (PDF) - CANCELLED
- July 6, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #301 (PDF) - Mission Bay Park Special Event FreePB.org: Narrative & site amp
- Attachment #501-A (PDF) - Fiesta Island Park Precise Plan Pages 1 – 9
- Attachment #501-A (PDF) - Fiesta Island Park Precise Plan Pages 10 – 20
- Attachment #501-B (PDF) - Fiesta Island Park Paddling Site Assessment Summary
- Attachment #501 (PDF) - Fiesta Island Park Precise Plan Narrative
- June 1, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #301 (PDF) – San Diego Triathlon Narrative
- May 4, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #301 (PDF) – The Alt Games: College Action Sports Championships Narrative
- Attachment #302 (PDF) – 1st Annual San Diego Lobster Festival Narrative
- Attachment #201 (PDF) – Draft Proposed Amendments to SDMC 63.0102
- April 6, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #301 (PDF) San Diego CityFest Narrative
- February 2, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #301 (PDF) Rock and Roll Marathon Course Description & Course
- January 12, 2010 (PDF)
- December 7, 2010 (PDF)
- November 9, 2010 (PDF)
- October 5, 2010 (PDF)
- September 7, 2010 (PDF)
- July 6, 2010 (PDF)
- June 1, 2010 (PDF)
- May 4, 2010 (PDF)
- April 6, 2010 (PDF)
- March 2, 2010 (PDF)
- February 4, 2010 (PDF)
- January 12, 2010 (PDF)
Mission Bay Park Improvement Fund Oversight Committee Agendas
- February 1, 2010 (PDF)
- December 7, 2010 (PDF) - CANCELLED
- November 9, 2010 (PDF) - CANCELLED
- September 7, 2010 (PDF)
- July 6, 2010 (PDF) - CANCELLED
- May 4, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #201 (PDF) MBP Improvement Fund Oversight Committee Bylaws
- April 6, 2010 (PDF)
- Attachment #201 (PDF) MBP Improvement Fund Oversight Committee
- March 2, 2010 (PDF) - CANCELLED
Mission Bay Park Improvement Fund Oversight Committee Minutes
- September 7, 2010 (PDF)
- May 4, 2010 (PDF)
- April 6, 2010 (PDF)
- February 2, 2010 (PDF)